What should I expect for my vibroacoustic therapy session?

Clients remove only their shoes and recline on our RestStation lounge chair. Then they put on the provided stereo headphones and sleep mask (optional). Once we make sure you are comfortable, the practitioner chooses the music protocol to address the issues indicated, turns on the equipment and makes sure the headphone volume levels are comfortable for you.

You will begin to feel the gentle vibrational frequencies through the RestStation's special speaker system, called transducers, and hear the soothing music as well as any guided meditation (as applicable) through the headphones.

If you are scheduled for a vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) session without combining another service, your practitioner then leaves you in the room to enjoy your session for the scheduled time. It usually takes about ten (10) to fifteen (15) minutes for the relaxation response to begin in the body and clients report feeling many pleasant sensations. Abstract thinking slows and body and mind awareness expands. Some people experience a dream-like, or deep meditative state. Others fall asleep, report seeing colors, experience clarity and new insight and feel relief of pain or symptoms. If your protocol includes a guided meditation, then they create a completely relaxed state of mind before powerful and positive affirmations are delivered utilizing a unique echo effect. It's this unique combination that helps clients overcome deep rooted, negative patterns of thoughts and behavior.

If your appointment combines vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) with another service like a Total Wellness Session, your practitioner will guide you through the process of all therapy elements in conjunction with your VAT.

When the session is over, the practitioner will return to the room to gently turn down the vibrational frequencies and music.

The impact of your session is usually long lasting. Many clients report feeling the impact for between two (2) and four (4) days after therapy. Your body will experience deep relaxation similar to a full night’s sleep, which promotes less stress during the day and sounder sleep at night.

Category: 3 - Therapy
Tags: how it works, RestStation, sound therapy, therapy, vibration therapy, vibroacoustic therapy
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