Tag Archives: vaccination

New Law Could Eliminate Informed Consent for Human Experimentation With Vaccines and Drugs

New law could eliminate informed consent for human experimentation with vaccines and drugs.

AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. They’re talking about a bill here, specifically about Section 3024 of this bill and they’re talking about informed consent, and I will play for you what they had to say having to do with vaccines and the 21st Century Cures Act. This speaks to informed consent […]

Dr. Peter Hotez: “Snuff Out” Anti-Vaccine Movement

Dr Peter Hotez - snuff out anti-vaccine movement.

AN ARTICLE FROM MARCO CÁCERES PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. Occasionally, I come across an article that really riles me. Okay fine, when it comes to vaccine science and vaccination policy, I’ll admit this happens almost every day. Still, there was an opinion published recently in Scientific American that I found particularly annoying. […]

No Studies To Prove Vaccines Are Safe

No studies to prove vaccines are safe.

AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. I wonder if the CDC has conducted or facilitated a study comparing vaccinated children yet… have you done that? “We have actually done a number of studies looking at the relationship between Thimerosal vaccines and autism and other developmental disabilities. There have been, over the last […]

Big Pharma Extorts People Worse Than Somali Pirates | Peter Gotzsche, MD

Big pharma extorts people worse than Somali pirates - Nordic Cochrane Centre Director.

AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. An old saying has it that nature heals while doctors take the fee. But our guest today argues that doctors’ relationship with money has come into direct conflict with nature’s ability to heal. How blurry is the line between healing and killing? Well, to discuss it […]

Vaccines Against Painkiller Drugs Coming Soon

Vaccines against painkiller drugs coming soon.

AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY KATE RAINES | THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. Highly addictive opioid drugs, including morphine, codeine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone, among others, are not only the most common agents used for pain management throughout the world but also are an increasingly common culprit in today’s epidemic of addiction. It is not only recreational […]

Joseph Mercola, DO On The Decline Of Mercury and Increase Of Aluminum In Vaccines

Joseph Mercola DO - on the decline of mercury and increase of aluminum in vaccines.

AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. “Mercury (thimerosal) exposure has declined significantly since it was eliminated from the single-dose vials of most childhood vaccines, yet autism rates have continued to skyrocket. This has led many to assume that mercury isn’t a problem, and anyone questioning the safety of vaccines is considered to […]

Is Your Baby Getting Too Much Aluminum?

Is your baby getting too much aluminum?

AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. Aluminum is a metal that seems harmless. We wrap our food in it, cook with it, and swallow aluminum in food and water every day since it occurs naturally in the environment. There is aluminum in breast milk and even more in baby formula. And aluminum […]

Did You Know The Human Body-Field Has Its Own Immune System?

Did you know the human body field has its own immune system?

AN ARTICLE FROM PETER FRASER. Dr. Norman Gregg, an Australian ophthalmologist, discovered in 1942 that babies born of women who had had rubella (also known as German measles) early in their pregnancies often suffered from congenital defects, such as cataracts and heart disease. His evidence was rejected as insufficient by British medical officials, but he […]

How Much Do You Really Know About The Flu Vaccine?

How much do you really know about the flu vaccine?

Did you know that the flu vaccine is the number one selling vaccine in America, but it is also the least effective? Each year, pharmaceutical companies produce over 150 million doses of influenza vaccine. Each dose sells for about $20, making flu vaccination a $3 billion annual industry. Over the past decade, annual flu vaccine […]

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