Tag Archives: quantum healing

Here’s What We Scan For in Your Body

What we scan for in your body - NES body-field scan and therapy.

The holistic nature of our bioenergetic assessment using the NES system is what makes it so empowering.  For starters, it doesn’t just look at someone as an individual, but also as part of a greater whole. A person’s environment has a tremendous impact on their health and well-being. This interaction of someone with their environment […]

Does Water Have a Memory?

Does water have a memory?

If you do a quick internet search, you’ll find no shortage of articles claiming water’s memory is pseudoscience and that it’s simply “not accepted by the scientific community.” It’s been said Truths pass through three stages. They are ridiculed They are violently opposed They are accepted as self-evident If water does, in fact, have memory, […]

THIS Is the Secret to How the Body Works

THIS Is the secret to how the body works.

In the last 100+ years of research, a lot has been done outside of conventional medicine into the fields and frequencies of the body and how we can read or alter them to support health. This research began because your body is more than mere chemical reactions. There’s something else going on that affects your […]

Optimize Your Health with miHealth!

Optimize your health with NES miHealth - the award winning bioenergetic health companion that incorporates PEMF therapy, body field scan and restoring healthy mind body patterns in a handheld, non-invasive biofeedback device.

The award-winning NES miHealth handheld device offers Fast Results and Quick Relief…right at your fingertips! Used by a wide range of practitioners, from surgeons, to chiropractors, from massage therapists to holistic health practitioners… with a wide range of uses from treating scars and burns, to inflammation and muscle pain… for everything from calming down stress […]

How We Can Assess Your Bio-field In Seconds

Now We Can Assess Your Bio-field In Seconds.

The human body is complex. So how can you get an accurate assessment so quickly? The most basic measurements of the body take at least 10 seconds. That’s getting your pulse and multiplying by 6. And 10 seconds might not even give you enough of the picture to get an accurate rate. Getting your blood […]

Want Optimal Health? Fix THIS First!

Fix this first for optimal health.

Getting optimal health isn’t a one-way street. It’s not even a two-way street. There are many divergent and convergent paths that lead every which way. With so much information available at your fingertips thanks to the internet, it can be easy to get distracted. You can be tempted to try every tactic without seeing much […]

Why Your Diet Is NOT Working!

The reason your diet is not working - restore your energy and health with NES body-field scan and therapy.

Whether you’re looking to lose weight, stay healthy, just get your life in some semblance of order, or a million other reasons, most people will say you need to focus on these two things. Diet Exercise Many have started there and many have failed. It’s not uncommon. In fact, it happens all too frequently. The […]

Caffeine Means Energy. Think Again!

Caffeine Is NOT the energy source you think it is - Restore Your Energy with NES body-field scan and therapy you can improve your well being and health right from the comfort of your home.

Is it possible to “charge” a body battery so you can have energy all day? It’s an issue nearly every single person battles with. A clock that seems to crawl at half-speed after lunch Couches and chairs that are just too comfortable Dinners that seem like too much of a chore to make If you’re […]

Did You Know This About Water?

Did You Know This About Water.

Water isn’t like any other liquid on the planet. Its differences are the key to our survival, but if you’re not taking advantage of this, you’re surely missing out. Your body is about 70% liquid water. The earth is 71% water. You’ve probably heard similar approximations of these numbers since you were in grade school. […]

Bioenergetics – The Breakthrough You Should Know About

Bioenergetics – The Breakthrough You Should Know About.

You are much more than cells. Much more than carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and the rest of the individual elements that make up your body. The ancients realized this. Traditional Chinese Medicine labeled 12 energy fields within your body and called them Meridians. Acupuncture, massage, and homeopathy recognize and operate on the basis of this […]

Salute Our Mothers and Improve Their Health!

Salute Our Mothers and Improve Their Health!

No matter if it’s your birth mother or a stepmom, grandmother, aunt, neighbor, coworker, or friend’s mom. Whoever your mom – or mother figure is – they are all amazing, and it’s important we honor and celebrate them this Mother’s Day, May 8. Unfortunately, as children we usually take our mothers for granted. She could […]

The Root of Your Energy

The root of your energy - with NES body-field scan and therapy you can improve your well being and health right from the comfort of your home.

Ready to regain your energy? Before we get to the NES Energetic Driver (ED) Infoceuticals, you need to understand what they’re attempting to correct. This will ultimately explain how you’re able to benefit from them. The Energetic Drivers (EDs) are fields that generate power for the body-field and the physical body. They arise from the major […]

Boost Your Immunity Now!

Boost your immunity now - with NES body-field scan and therapy as well as homeopathic remedies.

Cough, cough, sneeze! We’ve been hearing a lot of this right now, as the coronavirus situation continues and the cold and flu season in general grabs a hold. The media prescribes all kinds of medications to suppress the cold & flu symptoms, but by using the NES-based bioenergetic approach, protecting yourself from getting sick is […]

Why You Care About Vitamin D

Why you care about vitamin D.

For many, winter season often raises concerns about vitamin D (the “sunshine vitamin”). Interest in vitamin D has grown in recent years and for sure during COVID times. Vitamin D deficiency is a global public health issue. It is estimated that nearly 3 billion people suffer from vitamin D deficiency across the world, while 50% […]

How Bioenergetics Can Help Your Heart Health

How bioenergetics can help your heart health.

February is American Heart Month, a time when all people can focus on their cardiovascular health. We want to celebrate American Heart Month in February and throughout the year and offer our bioenergetic point of view, inspiration and encouragement to bring more awareness about heart health into all communities. According to the American Heart Association’s […]

Find Your Self-Love and Oneness Again

Find your self-love and oneness again.

Valentine’s Day is almost here and often brings up feelings we have about love: How it is given and received in our relationships. How it is either lacking or abundant in our lives. How it even looks, smells, and tastes, as we’re bombarded with the commercial manifestation of Valentine’s Day: pinks and reds, chocolate hearts, […]

Restore Your Energy

Restore your energy.

Happy New Year! A new year, new opportunities and better health maybe ahead of you. Creating health is NOT an outside in job; it’s just the opposite — it’s an inside out shift. The same is true of resolutions! Attention will follow intention so making lifestyle changes and creating a strong, healthy body-field starts from […]

What Are Your New Year’s Health Resolutions?

What are your new year's health resolutions.

New Year’s resolutions can be disheartening as we often pick those resolutions we already know we probably won’t be able to keep. Most people suffer a great deal to reach that “peak moment” before things go downhill again. Like reaching that ideal weight, figure, or fitness after weeks at the gym (if you even get […]

Star Symbolism – A Holiday Sign And Much More

Star symbolism - a holiday sign and much more.

Throughout the holiday season, we are surrounded by stars of various shapes and sizes; while they serve as festive decorations, stars are generally symbols of hope and direction—lights that shine through darkness to show us the way and help us to stay on track. One of the best-known stars is the North Star, Polaris; it’s […]

The Gift of Health

The gift of health.

As we are entering another holiday season it is so easy to get into the habit of automatic “giving.” We create our shopping lists, brainstorm for the perfect gifts, and are so focused on “giving” gifts. We often experience stress during the holidays trying to navigating everyone’s expectations for where we should be “giving” our […]

The Key To Your Health

Your body-field is the key to your health.

Essentially, we run 440+ different matching tests upon your Human Body-Field (HBF). But first, what really is a Human Body-Field. By the Human Body-Field, we are referring to all of the QED (Quantum ElectroDynamic) fields that are related to every particle that makes up your body. But what does that really mean? To understand this […]

How to make this Healthy Holidays!

How to make this healthy holidays.

The holidays should be a time of joy when we get to see family members we haven’t seen since the last major holiday. When colorful decorations line streets and stores, and couples romantically hold each other’s gloved hand while it’s snowing. There’s ice skating, turkey, laughing at the dinner table, and the unbidden smiles that […]

Why Aren’t We Celebrating the Naturally Immune?

Why Aren’t We Celebrating the Naturally Immune?

Opinion | At the beginning of this pandemic, I heard the term herd immunity a lot. Scientists and news anchors used to theorize about what percentage of society would have to come in contact with the virus in order to obtain herd immunity. We know that 40 million people have tested positive for COVID in the […]

NES miHealth Holiday Offer

Total Wellness Bundle with miHealth - Time Limited Offer

NES miHealth Price Increase Coming Soon NES Health has announced new pricing for their miHealth device effective Dec 1, 2021. Old MSRP (USD) – $3,500 New MSRP (USD) – $4,200 Many of you have expressed an interest in the device and it maybe the best time to own one before the price increase happens. We […]

Searching for the Sweetness of Life?

Searching for the Sweetness of Life.

Halloween is here and it can mean lots of candy and treats around, and the comfort foods of the holiday season are just around the corner! This time of the year we are focusing on Energetic Rejuvenator (ER) 42 which relates to the pancreas; it also shares a body-mind association with our relationship to our […]

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