AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED ORIGINALLY BY NES HEALTH. Discovering energy blockages in the body-field was the easy part. It was just a matter of finding areas that didn’t have the “correct” information. If the body needed to restore correct information in the body, why not simply give it that correct information? Why not literally show the […]
Tag Archives: preventive care
The holistic nature of our bioenergetic assessment using the NES system is what makes it so empowering. For starters, it doesn’t just look at someone as an individual, but also as part of a greater whole. A person’s environment has a tremendous impact on their health and well-being. This interaction of someone with their environment […]
You likely know a body-field scan takes just a few seconds. After all, it’s one of the biggest benefits. You get a quick, accurate overview of your entire body on an array of screens with color-coded priorities. Our certified bioenergetics practitioners can take the results from the assessment and suggest a course of action. Meanwhile, […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED ORIGINALLY BY NES HEALTH. If you do a quick Google search, you’ll find no shortage of articles claiming water’s memory is pseudoscience and that it’s simply “not accepted by the scientific community.” It’s been said Truths pass through three stages. They are ridiculed They are violently opposed They are accepted as self-evident […]
In the last 100+ years of research, a lot has been done outside of conventional medicine into the fields and frequencies of the body and how we can read or alter them to support health. This research began because your body is more than mere chemical reactions. There’s something else going on that affects your […]
The award winning miHealth handheld device offers Fast Results and Quick Relief…right at your fingertips! … Used by a wide range of practitioners, from surgeons, to chiropractors, from massage therapists to holistic health practitioners…with a wide range of uses;from treating scars and burns, to inflammation and muscle pain….for everything from calming down stress and managing […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY NES HEALTH. The human body is complex. So how can you get an accurate assessment so quickly? The most basic measurements of the body take at least 10 seconds. That’s getting your pulse and multiplying by 6. And 10 seconds might not even give you enough of the picture to get […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY NES HEALTH. Getting optimal health isn’t a one way street. It’s not even a two-way street. There are many divergent and convergent paths that lead every which way. With so much information available at your fingertips thanks to the internet, it can be easy to get distracted. You can be tempted […]
Whether you’re looking to lose weight, stay healthy, just get your life in some semblance of order, or a million other reasons, most people will say you need to focus on these two things. Diet Exercise Many have started there and many have failed. It’s not uncommon. In fact, it happens all too frequently. The […]
Is it possible to “charge” a body battery so you can have energy all day? It’s an issue nearly every single person battles with. A clock that seems to crawl at half-speed after lunch Couches and chairs that are just too comfortable Dinners that seem like too much of a chore to make If you’re […]
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, more commonly known as TENS, is a method that uses electrical current to help with pain relief. Transcutaneous means something is passing through intact skin. In other words, there’s no cut, wound, or abrasion. In the case of TENS, electricity is used transcutaneously. Just like PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic frequency), TENS dates […]
Water isn’t like any other liquid on the planet. Its differences are the key to our survival, but if you’re not taking advantage of this, you’re surely missing out. Your body is about 60% water. The earth is 71% water. You’ve probably heard similar approximations of these numbers since you were in grade school. One […]
You probably do your best to avoid EMFs at all costs. But is there a case where you might want to have them beamed directly into your body? What is PEMF? What is EMF (ElectroMagnetic Field)? Do you ever stop thinking about how amazing of an impact technology has on our lives? In the matter of […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY HARRY MASSEY AT NES HEALTH. You are much more than cells. Much more than carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and the rest of the individual elements that make up your body. The ancients realized this. Traditional Chinese Medicine labeled 12 energy fields within your body and called them Meridians. Acupuncture, massage, and […]
No matter if it’s your birth mother or a stepmom, grandmother, aunt, neighbor, coworker, or friend’s mom. Whoever your mom – or mother figure is – they are all amazing, and it’s important we honor and celebrate them this Mother’s Day, May 10. We often don’t realize what a rewarding and tough role moms’ have […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY HOMEOPATHIC EDUCATIONAL SERVICES. A highly respected colleague, Christopher Hobbs, PhD, just posted this modeling that shows that, to date, most people who’ve been tested for Covid-19 in the U.S. have been considerably more ill than the average person who is infected with this virus…and as such, the death rate is highly […]
The latest generation of the revolutionary NES Scanner device now incorporates both, Bluetooth and USB technology. Not too long ago we introduced you to the whole idea about ‘Wellness Coming to You At Home’, and today we bring you the latest in ‘Health Without Limits’.
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY NES HEALTH. Conventional wisdom says you need to load up on antioxidants. You may have read a few articles, heard your friends talk about the wonders of resveratrol and funny-sounding fruits and vegetables. But you’re more likely to have come across the hidden jewels of the rain-forest or secret fruits from […]
Caring for your and your families well-being is becoming more challenging with the current COVID-19 situation and the restrictions in place. There is a lot of anxiety about what is happening and how that will impact our lives moving forward — especially from a personal health point of view. With increased uncertainty around the world, […]
I’m pleased to announce that Ms. Wendy Lawrence has joined our Juneva Health team establishing care in our new clinic for the greater Washington state area. The new clinic location with Ms. Lawrence is a great addition to the expansion of services Juneva offers worldwide. Her mission is to bring Juneva’s holistic health services to […]
Things are changing rapidly, and we are all having to adapt to new ways of doing things and quickly. We know there is a lot of anxiety about what is happening and how that will impact our lives moving forward — especially from a personal health point of view. The timing for using the NES […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg is the first specialist to understand the current crisis about the coronavirus. The video is not intended to drive people to not obey the current rules and recommendations of their government, but allow different points of view and an open discussion to help […]
Right now we are receiving lots of requests for information about using our bioenergetic approach with the NES system to help improve people’s immune system. In order to get the latest information, you don’t want to miss watching this webinar with, Harry Massey, NES Health Co-Founder, and his team sharing their viewpoints and wisdom on […]
Cough, cough, sneeze! We’ve been hearing a lot of this right now, as the coronavirus situation and the cold and flu season in general grabs a hold. The media prescribes all kinds of medications to suppress the cold & flu symptoms, but by using the NES-based bioenergetic approach, protecting yourself from getting sick is much […]
According to the American Heart Association’s 2015 statistics, heart disease remains the leading global cause of death. For the United States, this ranking reportedly has held since 1921. While actual death rates due to cardiovascular disease have been declining for many years, current estimates suggest that over 85 million people in the U.S. are living […]