February is American Heart Month, a time when all people can focus on their cardiovascular health. We want to celebrate American Heart Month in February and throughout the year and offer our bioenergetic point of view, inspiration and encouragement to bring more awareness about heart health into all communities. According to the American Heart Association’s […]
Tag Archives: nes system
Happy New Year! A new year, new opportunities and better health maybe ahead of you. Creating health is NOT an outside in job; it’s just the opposite — it’s an inside out shift. The same is true of resolutions! Attention will follow intention so making lifestyle changes and creating a strong, healthy body-field starts from […]
New Year’s resolutions can be disheartening as we often pick those resolutions we already know we probably won’t be able to keep. Most people suffer a great deal to reach that “peak moment” before things go downhill again. Like reaching that ideal weight, figure, or fitness after weeks at the gym (if you even get […]
Throughout the holiday season, we are surrounded by stars of various shapes and sizes; while they serve as festive decorations, stars are generally symbols of hope and direction—lights that shine through darkness to show us the way and help us to stay on track. One of the best-known stars is the North Star, Polaris; it’s […]
Essentially, we run 440+ different matching tests upon your Human Body-Field (HBF). But first, what really is a Human Body-Field. By the Human Body-Field, we are referring to all of the QED (Quantum ElectroDynamic) fields that are related to every particle that makes up your body. But what does that really mean? To understand this […]
NES miHealth Price Increase Coming Soon NES Health has announced new pricing for their miHealth device effective Dec 1, 2021. Old MSRP (USD) – $3,500 New MSRP (USD) – $4,200 Many of you have expressed an interest in the device and it maybe the best time to own one before the price increase happens. We […]
Emotions are an integral part of our human experience. They influence our thinking, behavior, actions, and physical body. They are a message about our state of being and the most important indicators of ‘how we are’ in the world. They are inextricably linked to our beliefs and thoughts. Emotions form two distinct groups: Those that […]
In bioenergetics we acknowledge a strong connection between the mind and body. We know that one’s inner journey influences how energy plays out in the body and, as a result, how it affects our overall health. Among the many ways we can look at this is through the Energetic Drivers within the NES system, which […]
Morphogenetic Fields and Morphic Resonance, developed by leading biologist, Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D., is a theory of collected memory in nature, specific to each species. Morphic fields/resonance are the foundation behind bioenergetics and what we call the Human Body-Field. In this podcast, Dr. Sheldrake shares how Morphogenetic Fields and Morphic Resonance are an essential part of […]
NES miHealth Device is Designed to Support the Body-field …in directing efficient and accurate activity of the body. In this way, we can support the body’s everyday health (and from the comfort of your home)! When it comes to supporting your health, results are the most important. Fast results, especially right now, are even better. […]
When first exploring what our bioenergetic therapies are all about, we often have clients asking us how it can help them with specific diseases. Obviously as health professionals we do see people with a variety of medical conditions and they want to know that we can help them. And yes, using the NES system and […]
The NES System is an advanced software program that provides a way to peek into the bioenergetic and informational recesses of your body-field to see what is going on. It’s a snapshot that allows you to accurately assess the correlations between your body-field and your physical and emotional states at a particular moment in time. […]
Pasteur wasn’t 100% right – the truth is your immune system’s health isn’t 100% dependent on what you come into contact with. Throughout 2020 and 2021, we were hammered with the idea that a virus was the cause of many of the world’s woes. The virus was the problem, and if we could only kill […]
Discover 3 different ways to help your immune system AND how to support it where it all starts. Immune System Support Beyond Your Plate You hear it constantly: “The best way to support your immune system is by eating a colorful diet.” This is true. But, it is far from the only effort you should […]
We are at the frontiers of biology and physics with NES’ theory of the human body-field, and we find many others with valid and intriguing ideas keeping us company. One such person is American astrophysicist Milo Wolff. His space resonance theory, which is also called the wave structure of matter theory, supports NES’ theory very […]
Get ready to charge your body’s batteries and regain your energy. Before we get to the NES Energetic Driver Infoceuticals, you need to understand what they’re attempting to correct. This will ultimately explain how you’re able to benefit from them. The Energetic Drivers (EDs) are fields that generate power for the body-field and the physical body. […]
What’s imprinting and how is it done with NES Infoceuticals? With imprinting, as with anything difficult to understand, it’s important to start at the beginning. First, you must consider phonons, which are quantum-level waves of sound, not to be confused with photons (waves of light). Though, phonons are just as important as photons in terms […]
“What is love?” It’s asked often and remains one of the great philosophical questions. The definition of love becomes all the more pressing in February with the advent of Valentine’s Day. It’s a lot to ponder — what love is, whether you love someone or not, how to love more, even how to show you […]
We must always look at how the energy of the body is set up in the first place, and cavities provide the mechanism. Cavity physics is the study of energy in enclosed spaces as these spaces can amplify and do other interesting things to energy. It was the study of what is called black-body radiation […]
New Year’s resolutions can be disheartening as we often pick those resolutions we already know we probably won’t be able to keep. Most people suffer a great deal to reach that “peak moment” before things go downhill again. Like reaching that ideal weight, figure, or fitness after weeks at the gym (if you even get […]
This is the perfect season to share with you more information about NES’ Peace Infoceutical. Peace is a complex formula that blends some of NES’ most important Infoceuticals and, of course, promotes something deeply needed in our world today: peace, an essential element to healing. Curiously, Peace was developed in a way you might not expect. It’s […]
You may have heard or read, “the human body-field” and never actually understood what it is or what it means. The human body-field is what is at the root of your very being. The word “body-field” brings the idea to mind that it has something to do with energy fields within the body, but there’s […]
So you’ve had your first scan… or your second… third… thirtieth and something seems really off. Your scan is the complete opposite of what you expected. It’s like you studied for an exam, knew everything there is to know, and failed it miserably. Or, you went in knowing nothing at all about earth science and […]
Ever wonder why some people seem to be healthy without doing much at all? There’s that person that makes it through the winter, spring, and fall without an issue. The picture of perfect health. Except maybe not. Since you’re reading this article, you probably do everything you can to keep your immune system humming. You […]
X-rays are easy to understand. So are MRIs. Both machines take a picture of your body. You can see it with your very own eyes — your broken bones, water in your lungs… You can even see a map of your brain. You don’t doubt what you’re seeing on the screen for a single second. […]