Tag Archives: inflammation

Why Your Diet Is NOT Working!

The reason your diet is not working - restore your energy and health with NES body-field scan and therapy.

Whether you’re looking to lose weight, stay healthy, just get your life in some semblance of order, or a million other reasons, most people will say you need to focus on these two things. Diet Exercise Many have started there and many have failed. It’s not uncommon. In fact, it happens all too frequently. The […]

When You Should Embrace EMFs

PEMF therapy - a non-invasive, bioenergetic therapy that brings relief from many acute and chronic issues by using bursts of a low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field that will pass painlessly and quickly through the skin and penetrate deep into tissues, muscles, bones, tendons, and even organs to recharge the cell's energy and encourage its natural repair mechanisms.

You probably do your best to avoid EMFs at all costs. But is there a case where you might want to have them beamed directly into your body? What is PEMF? What is EMF (ElectroMagnetic Field)? Do you ever stop thinking about how amazing of an impact technology has on our lives? In the matter of […]

Plastic is Now in Our Bloodstream

Plastic is now in our bloodstream.

Microplastics have been found in human blood for the first time, increasing concerns about their impact on human health. The microscopic particles, some as small as 0.0007mm – that’s about a twentieth of the width of a human hair – were discovered in 77 per cent of the healthy adult blood donors tested in the […]

Why Should I Consume Collagen?

Enviromedica Pastured Cartilage Collagen provides a concentrated matrix of naturally occurring nutrients in their correct physiological ratios. This ancient nutritional powerhouse plays a fundamental role in supporting healthy joints, cartilage, and immune function.

Collagen is the glue that holds your body together. It is the most important and abundant protein in your body. Starting around age 40, your body stops replacing Collagen as quickly as it did before. One of the reasons our skin starts to “age” is that our Collagen is breaking down. The same thing that […]

Proving the Power of EMF Modulation

Proving the power of EMF modulation.

The question we often get asked “how do I know the Aires Technology EMF protection you sell works?”. To understand the power of the Aires Technology devices, it’s important to focus on the physiological impact, as it is ineffective to test the EMF itself with a reader or meter. One of the ways to test […]

Drug, Food and Vaccine Companies Pay Us Hundreds of Millions of Dollars Says FDA Member

Drug, food and vaccine companies pay us hundreds of millions of dollars says FDA member.

Biden wants to inoculate as many people as possible. So, you’ll have to get an annual [COVID vaccine].… These drug companies, the food companies, the vaccine companies… they pay us hundreds of millions of dollars a year to hire and keep the reviewers to approve their products. If they can get every person required [to […]

Gut Bacteria – Secret Key to Your Wellness!

Gut Bacteria - secret key to your wellness.

Since 2007, scientists at the National Institute of Health (NIH) Human Microbiome Project have been honing in on the phenomenon of bacteria hosted in the human body. In 2008, the European Commission and China created the Metagenomics of the Human Intestinal Tract Project (MetaHIT) to join this study. For centuries, scientists have recognized a limited […]

Leaky Gut Anyone?

Leaky Gut Anyone? - leaky gut syndrome and food sensitivities are often a major health issue that people are not aware of.

You overheard someone talking about leaky gut and all the symptoms they were suffering because of it. You listened with great interest. It sounded like what you’ve been going through for some time – fatigue, brain fog, digestive problems, bloating, headaches, even aches and pains. You realize that almost every time you eat, you don’t […]

The Truth about Mobile Phone and Wireless Radiation

The Truth about Mobile Phone and Wireless Radiation

Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is on the rise and becoming an ever-present issue for our health and well-being in modern society as we know it. EMR is given off in waves and is completely undetectable to our senses. It is an invisible threat to our bodies and those are often the most dangerous kind. You probably […]

Why Vitamin Bs Are Important?

Why vitamin bs are important.

Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are fundamental requirements for the body to function. Optimum health requires that nutrients are managed correctly. Vitamin Bs form a major group of nutrients that your body needs to perform various functions. These nutrients play a critical role in maintaining metabolic and physiological functions and also help to strengthen the […]

Emotions Affect Arthritis

Emotions affect arthritis.

Arthritis is one of the most widespread health conditions in the United States. It affects about one in four adults overall. That’s over 54 million men and women. Arthritis affects working-age adults, older adults, and even children. The number of adults who live in rural or urban areas and are affected by arthritis is the […]

What is PEMF?

PEMF therapy - a non-invasive, bioenergetic therapy that brings relief from many acute and chronic issues by using bursts of a low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field that will pass painlessly and quickly through the skin and penetrate deep into tissues, muscles, bones, tendons, and even organs to recharge the cell's energy and encourage its natural repair mechanisms.

If you just read PEMF (Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field) and instantly dismissed it as being anything good, you’d hardly be the first. After all, EMF makes up 75% of the acronym and the dangers of EMFs are well-documented. So it’s understandable if you think PEMF might be similarly bad. But that’s a bad assumption. In fact, […]

Pain After Exercising?

Pain after exercising - with NES body-field scan and therapy you can improve your well being and health right from the comfort of your home.

Find out about the #1 piece of equipment you NEED and how to use the miHealth to help relieve pain. We’re starting into our spring months now. The days are getting longer and warmer. Along with that comes the motivation (and an end to the excuses of it being too cold) to want to go […]

The Reason Your Diet Is NOT Working

The reason your diet is not working - restore your energy and health with NES body-field scan and therapy.

Whether you’re looking to lose weight, stay healthy, just get your life in some semblance of order, or a million other reasons, most people will say you need to focus on these two things. Diet Exercise Many have started there and many have failed. It’s not uncommon. In fact, it happens all too frequently. The […]

One Time You Should Welcome EMFs

PEMF therapy - a non-invasive, bioenergetic therapy that brings relief from many acute and chronic issues by using bursts of a low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field that will pass painlessly and quickly through the skin and penetrate deep into tissues, muscles, bones, tendons, and even organs to recharge the cell's energy and encourage its natural repair mechanisms.

You probably do your best to avoid EMFs at all costs. But is there a case where you might want to have them beamed directly into your body? What is PEMF? What is EMF (ElectroMagnetic Field)? Do you ever stop thinking about how amazing of an impact technology has on our lives? In the matter of […]

Gut Bacteria Is “The Secret Key” to Your Health and Happiness

Gut microbiota influence is far reaching in the body. Our microbiome has a huge effect on our overall health and well-being, healthy mood, metabolism, signaling molecules and much more.

Since 2007, scientists at the National Institute of Health (NIH) Human Microbiome Project have been honing in on the phenomenon of bacteria hosted in the human body. In 2008, the European Commission and China created the Metagenomics of the Human Intestinal Tract Project (MetaHIT) to join this study. For centuries, scientists have recognized a limited […]

Leaky Guts and Food Sensitivity

Leaky guts are often the result of food sensitivities and imbalances in your gut microbiome.

You overheard someone talking about leaky gut and all the symptoms they were suffering because of it. You listened with great interest. It sounded like what you’ve been going through for some time – fatigue, brain fog, digestive problems, bloating, headaches, even aches and pains. You realize that almost every time you eat, you don’t […]

Detoxify With Common Sense

Benefit from common sense and better understanding of the detox processes that lead to more effective detoxification results.

A deflated cell with a low cellular membrane potential cannot detoxify. Sports and exercise are important, because they increase your cells’ energy and shake loose some of these toxins. The same principle applies with NES therapy using miHealth and Infoceuticals which help remove energetic blockages and information distortions that are the underlying root cause of […]

Tap Into Nature’s Power And Reclaim Your Healthy Energy

Reconnecting to the earth’s energies (grounding) is an important elememt for restoring our body's natural healing abilities.

Just like exposure to sunlight produces vitamin D in your body, the ground beneath your feet produces an electrical stimulus. Are you getting enough? Where Does the Earth’s Energy Come From, and How Does It Impact You? How Most of Us Have Intentionally Shut Ourselves Off From the Earth’s Energy Opening the Gates to the […]

Discover YOUR gut health and personal superfoods

Discover your gut health and how your superfoods can restore your microbiome.

Yet again, we have been misled into believing that some foods are actually “super” for all people… Antioxidants have been given universal superhero status when the reality is, like all things–they have very different effects in different people… …and may actually be harmful to you individually. When you think of antioxidant-rich foods, berries probably come […]

The Sound of Healing

The sound of healing - vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) assists with relief from anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD, autism and learning difficulties, dementia, stress, pain, insomnia, and more.

Imagine reducing your pain and addressing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges all while relaxing in a life changing, mind-blowing, 3-dimensional, full body sound massage experience! It is possible to enhance your quality of life with vibroacoustic therapy TODAY. Vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) has been synergistically combined with a wide variety of health care modalities today. […]

PEMF “The Silent Healer”

PEMF therapy - a non-invasive, bioenergetic therapy that brings relief from many acute and chronic issues by using bursts of a low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field that will pass painlessly and quickly through the skin and penetrate deep into tissues, muscles, bones, tendons, and even organs to recharge the cell's energy and encourage its natural repair mechanisms.

Having healthy cells is not a passive process. Active, regular tuning-up of our cells is not only feasible, but also necessary to slow aging and reduce the risk of cell dysfunction. We are, after all, only as healthy as our cells. Imperceptible cell dysfunction that is not corrected early can lead to disease. Fine-tuning can […]

What Triggers Chronic Illness?

What triggers chronic illness? - a supercharged podcast.

Stop adding fuel to the fire! If you’re suffering from a chronic autoimmune condition, that’s the advice given by Dr. Tom O’Bryan, who is considered the “Sherlock Holmes” for chronic disease and metabolic disorders. In this podcast, Dr. Tom O’Bryan, faculty member of The Institute for Functional Medicine and The National University of Health Services, […]

Milk: Does It Really Do a Body Good?

Milk: does it really do a body good?

AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY KATE RAINES AND THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. Alone among mammals, only humans continue to drink milk into adulthood, and only humans purposely drink the milk of other mammals. As a rule, adult humans don’t drink human milk but continue to consume milk and dairy products made from the milk of […]

The Human Longevity Project

The Human Longevity Project course.

The Human Longevity Project is a documentary film series that will take you on an exciting journey around the globe, on a mission to discover the secrets of the longest-lived and healthiest populations on Earth – and shows you how to apply their ancient wisdom to your modern life. Filmed over 2 years, in over […]

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