AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY KATE RAINES AND THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. As medical researchers continue to make progress in understanding the causes and mechanisms behind Alzheimer’s disease (AD), it appears that AD may be another example of an autoimmune disease, in which the body’s own immune system turns on itself in a case of […]
Tag Archives: immune system
Throughout the holiday season, we are surrounded by stars of various shapes and sizes; while they serve as festive decorations, stars are generally symbols of hope and direction—lights that shine through darkness to show us the way and help us to stay on track. One of the best-known stars is the North Star, Polaris; it’s […]
It’s almost Halloween which can mean lots of candy and treats around, and the comfort foods of the holiday season are just around the corner! This month we are focusing on ER-42 which relates to the pancreas; it also shares a mind-body association with our relationship to our families. By stimulating Energetic Rejuvenator (ER) 42 and correcting it’s […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY PETER FRASER & NES HEALTH. When dealing with the bioenergetic correlates of disease, the first process is to address the emotional oscillators. As a reminder, in NES theory, emotional oscillators can be thought of as information flows that eventually can affect four key organelles of the cell. An emotion is also […]
Just in time for the holidays and for Seasonal Wellness season, we are offering an alternative to family discord, carbohydrate overload, exhaustion, and cold/flu medications without the side effects. In fact we can offer side benefits! Holiday Survival Infoceutical Set This is the perfect set for people getting together with family for a big holiday […]
What Are Infoceuticals? NES Infoceuticals represent a quantum leap in helping you achieve optimum health and well-being. They are a unique line of liquid bioenergetic remedies ‘imprinted’ with bio(quantum)-information based on NES proprietary and extensive mapping of the human body-field over the past 30+ years. Infoceuticals address issues in your bioenergetic system (human body-field) from […]
We’ll investigate the relationships of some of the most important factors which influence our state of health and well-being – information in form of nutrition and what and when and how we eat, and on the other hand, the information which we perceive through our senses and which creates certain emotional energies. We will see […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. “Mercury (thimerosal) exposure has declined significantly since it was eliminated from the single-dose vials of most childhood vaccines, yet autism rates have continued to skyrocket. This has led many to assume that mercury isn’t a problem, and anyone questioning the safety of vaccines is considered to […]
AN ARTICLE FROM PETER FRASER. Dr. Norman Gregg, an Australian ophthalmologist, discovered in 1942 that babies born of women who had had rubella (also known as German measles) early in their pregnancies often suffered from congenital defects, such as cataracts and heart disease. His evidence was rejected as insufficient by British medical officials, but he […]
Did you know that the flu vaccine is the number one selling vaccine in America, but it is also the least effective? Each year, pharmaceutical companies produce over 150 million doses of influenza vaccine. Each dose sells for about $20, making flu vaccination a $3 billion annual industry. Over the past decade, annual flu vaccine […]
Cough, cough, sneeze! You’ve probably been hearing a lot of this right now, as the cold and flu season grabs a hold. The media prescribes all kinds of medications to suppress the symptoms, but by using the NES-based bioenergetic approach, protecting yourself from getting sick is much better than fighting symptoms once they appear. What […]