AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY RISHMA PARPIA AND THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. If you are not taking any prescription drugs, you are now the minority. According to a nationally representative Consumer Reports survey conducted in 2017, 55 percent of Americans take a prescription drug, with four drugs per person being the average. The survey found […]
Tag Archives: immune system
Emotional trauma can affect us on a much deeper, long-lasting level than we may even be consciously aware of. In fact, Adverse Childhood Effects – negative, traumatic incidents that occur throughout childhood – may still actively impact us and our health throughout the rest of our lives. In the latest podcast, Harry Massey, NES Health […]
The Human Longevity Project is a documentary film series that will take you on an exciting journey around the globe, on a mission to discover the secrets of the longest-lived and healthiest populations on Earth – and shows you how to apply their ancient wisdom to your modern life. Filmed over 2 years, in over […]
Ever wonder why you’re so tired all the time? It seems that no matter how much sleep you get, or coffee you drink, you’re still lacking that “full of life, pep in your step” kind of energy. In the latest podcast, NES Health’s Harry Massey chats with Ari Whitten, founder of The Energy Blueprint, and […]
Watch the latest movie produced by Harry Massey and our friends at NES Health, that has helped thousands of people regain and SuperCharge their energy – for FREE! … plus 3 amazing healing secrets (below) you can use to access deep reservoirs of energy from sources other than food. “If you, too, want the film […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY BARBARA LOE FISHER AND THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. Do you know how to recognize a vaccine reaction? Like with prescription drugs and other pharmaceutical products, reactions to vaccines can be mild or severe. There can be complete recovery or long lasting health problems after vaccine reactions. Rarely, vaccine reactions can […]
Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is on the rise and becoming an ever-present issue for our health and well-being in modern society as we know it. EMR is given off in waves and is completely undetectable to our senses. It is an invisible threat to our bodies and those are often the most dangerous kind. You probably […]
It affects more people than you think – over 70% of the US population with a potential to cause, or further complicate existing health problems. Symptoms can range from fatigue to IBS to eczema, among many others. Most people are completely unaware of the burdens they tolerate due to these sensitivities. Frequently, food sensitivities are […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY PAUL FASSA AND THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. What inspires a mainstream medical researcher or MD to develop a vaccine? Saving mankind from disease? Probably not—but maybe for some. It’s more likely the inspiration comes from a steady stream of royalty money and no liability for vaccine damages. Once a patent […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY RISHMA PARPIA, BARBARA LOE FISHER AND THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. A report released by the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in April 2018 revealed that in 2014, one in 59 eight-year-old children across 11 communities in the United States were identified as having autism spectrum disorder (ASD).[1] […]
Getting outdoors and moving your body is key to boosting your health and supercharging your energy! Our bodies are designed to move, and science proves time and time again that those who exercise consistently have more energy, less fatigue, and a sharper focus. We are well-aware that this science proves true, yet, oftentimes, we find […]
Do you ever stop to think about how amazing of an impact technology has on our lives? In the matter of moments, we have access to more information right at our fingertips than even before. With technology, we have the ability to video chat long-distance with friends and relatives, and even health practitioners can help […]
If your home is toxic (and it likely is!), you’re NOT likely to be healthy! It’s time — in fact, way past time — to have a serious look at the toxic influence of your home. Making sure the water, air, textiles, paints, cleaning products, EMFs (and more) aren’t adding to your toxic load is […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY KATE RAINES AND THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. The following is the second half of a two-part article on nutrition that addresses chronic inflammation. Click here to read the first half of the article. Most anti-inflammatory diets agree on many of the foods to include, however, the “not allowed” foods may […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY KATE RAINES AND THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. The following is the first half of a two-part article on nutrition that addresses chronic inflammation. One of the hallmarks of many chronic diseases and disorders is unresolved inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation can develop when the immune system’s normal inflammatory response […]
The gut microbiome is comprised of trillions of fungi, bacteria, and microbes, and it plays a crucial role in your overall health. In fact, 70% of your immune system is right around the gut, and.. Get this: the last 3-5 years of research have pointed a strong and direct finger at the gut microbiome as […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY RISHMA PARPIA AND THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. Although spring is when the typical “flu season” ends, officials at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned in mid-March 2018 that a “second wave” of influenza B virus appeared to be on the way and could cause more illness, […]
This past Saturday, April 22nd marked Earth Day – a day dedicated to bringing awareness to protecting and celebrating the extraordinary planet we call home, and all that it has to offer. From its boundless oceans to its expansive ivy forests, this Earth does a good job of taking our breath away. But it does […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY KATE RAINES AND THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. The alarming rise in incidence of chronic, inflammatory-type disorders among children cannot be fully explained by such theories as the hygiene hypothesis, poor eating habits or defective genes. Certainly, there is more to the root cause of food allergies, asthma, autism-spectrum disorders, type […]
Long-term fatigue along with anxiety has become a wide spread health crisis many people face these days without getting much (if any) relieve from conventional medicine and other therapies. Tune into this podcast where, Debbie Hart, a master bioenergetic practitioner talks about how Bioenergetics can help you to fight fatigue. What you will learn in […]
At Juneva we believe that complementary to our therapy an important part of healing and sustained health is making adjustments to your diet and life-style. Even minor adjustments to our daily behaviors can be powerful and create lasting positive changes to our body and health. Watch this fascinating webcast, where Harry Massey and Dr. Mercola […]
Did you know that these compact fluorescent lightbulbs are the biggest offenders of Electromagnetic Field radiation? You may be aware of what Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) are, and how they’re emitted from our wifi routers, cellphones, electricity meters on our homes, and now our lightbulbs, but are you aware of just how detrimental this radiation is […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. The CDC and FDA often claim that 36,000 people die every year from influenza. This is a flat out lie. If you actually go to the CDC’s MMWRs, Morbidity, Mortality Weekly Reports, they publish weekly, and the annual reports on how many people die from influenza… […]
Happy 2018! It’s an exciting year ahead and I am really keen to see what the year will bring. Creating health is not an outside in job; it’s just the opposite — it’s an inside out shift. The same is true of resolutions! Attention will follow intention so making lifestyle changes and creating a strong, […]
From Peter Fraser’s article “Detox to Save Your Life.” We are used to the homeopath’s traditional idea of using low-potency herbs for the liver and kidney organs, or even the lymphatic system. NES research improved on this idea, taking it to the next level. “The actual body process in dealing with material toxic to the […]