Tag Archives: healing

Stars – Just A Holiday Symbol Or Is There More?

Stars - just a holiday symbol or is there more?

Throughout the holiday season, we are surrounded by stars of various shapes and sizes; while they serve as festive decorations, stars are generally symbols of hope and direction—lights that shine through darkness to show us the way and help us to stay on track. One of the best-known stars is the North Star, Polaris; it’s […]

Maple & Ginger Glazed Acorn Squash Bioenergetic Recipe

Maple & ginger glazed acorn squash bioenergetic recipe.

BIOENERGETIC COOKING WITH KIMBERLY KNOX Try out this delicious fall-inspired recipe that will have everyone loving every bite! Acorn Squash is an excellent nutrient-dense harvest vegetable with important B vitamins, boosting the immune system and nourishing blood, while supporting the spleen. Making this meal excellent for Energetic Integrator (EI) 12: Shock/Spleen Meridian. Maple & Ginger […]

Give the Gift of Health this Holiday Season!

Gift health to your loved ones - NES body-field scan and therapy.

As we are entering another holiday season it is so easy to get into the habit of automatic “giving.” We create our shopping lists, brainstorm for the perfect gifts, and are so focused on “giving” gifts. We often experience stress during the holidays trying to navigating everyone’s expectations for where we should be “giving” our […]

The Future of Wellness is Here!

The future of wellness is here - NES body-field scan and therapy.

If you are dealing with chronic, even complex and possibly long-term health issues, would like to optimize your energy and performance, or are seeking a natural and effective approach to prevent serious health issues before they even occur, you have come to the right place at the right time. Imagine a life without your limiting […]

Nurture Your Wellness During Holiday Season

Holiday survival - with NES infoceuticals.

Just in time for the holidays and for seasonal wellness, we are offering an alternative to family discord, carbohydrate overload, exhaustion, and cold/flu medications without the side effects. In fact we can offer side benefits! Holiday Survival Infoceutical Set This is the perfect set for people getting together with family for a big holiday meal […]

Welcome To Your Life Full Of Energy!

How to recharge your energy - NES body-field scan and therapy.

Exhausted? Not feeling well? Is low energy robbing you of the activities you once loved, or keeping you from sharing important experiences with loved ones? Sadly when you feel this bad, even life’s beautiful moments lose their luster. And it can be hard to feel life’s meaning or purpose. But the good news is … […]

What Really Happens When You Do a Body-Field Scan?

NES scan and therapy.

How We Assess The Body-Field?  Essentially, we run over 400+ different matching tests upon your Human Body-Field (HBF). But first, what really is a Human Body-Field?  By the Human Body-Field, we are referring to all of the QED (Quantum ElectroDynamic) fields that are related to every particle that makes up your body. But what does […]

Looking for the Sweetness of Life?

Looking for the sweetness of life.

It’s almost Halloween which can mean lots of candy and treats around, and the comfort foods of the holiday season are just around the corner! This month we are focusing on ER-42 which relates to the pancreas; it also shares a mind-body association with our relationship to our families. By stimulating Energetic Rejuvenator (ER) 42 […]

Wellness From Within – The First Step

Wellness from within. The first step is the important one.

Health is more than the absence of disease If you could choose to enjoy better health, would you be interested? Do increased energy, greater enthusiasm, and an enhanced sense of well-being appeal to you? How about a greater sense of joy? The good news is, these things are possible for you. Within yourself, you have […]

Wild Pan Seared Scallops Bioenergetic Recipe

Wild pan seared scallops recipe - bioenergetic cooking.

BIOENERGETIC COOKING WITH KIMBERLY KNOX Try out this delicious fresh sea scallop salad loaded with dynamite sweet and savory flavors to excite your taste buds. The wild Sea scallops are an excellent source of iodine, a trace mineral needed to produce thyroid hormone, making this meal excellent for Energetic Integrator (EI) 9: Thyroid/Triple Burner Meridian. […]

Nurture Yourself and Your Well-Being

Nurture yourself and your well-being. October is breast cancer awareness month.

October will be awash in pink across the country as we focus on Breast Cancer in the US. At Juneva, we focus on breast health year ’round! Breast Health in Bioenergetics The breast health points in bioenergetics (and they apply to both men and women) represent our ability to nurture ourselves and those around us. […]

Strawberry Pea Shoot Salad

Strawberry pea shoot salad - bioenergetic cooking.

BIOENERGETIC COOKING WITH KIMBERLY KNOX This antioxidant rich, nutrient dense salad blooms with flavor and has all the ability to bust inflammation to support a healthy circulatory system. The added pumpkin seeds are a great source of vitamin E to keep blood flowing freely and preventing blood clots. Enjoy this flavorful recipe with family and […]

Anomalies Conventional Biology & Medicine Can’t Really Explain

Anomalies conventional biology/medicine can't really explain. There is some structure present in the body that directs healing. This structure, we say, is the human body-field itself.

Let’s look at some “cracks” in biology that the theory of the human body-field can explain better than conventional biological theory can. This is just an overview of some areas that are worth exploring further and by no means a detailed explanation of the human body-field theory, which is available in other documents. 1. Spontaneous […]

Morphic Fields are the ‘Matrix’ behind our Health & Healing Processes

Morphic fields are the 'matrix' behind our health & healing processes. Gain deeper insight into your holographic self with our bioenergetic body field scan and therapy.

Morphogenetic Fields and Morphic Resonance, developed by biologist, Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D., is a theory of collected memory in nature, specific to each species. Morphic fields/resonance are the foundation behind bioenergetics and what we call the Human Body-Field within the NES therapy system. In this podcast, Dr. Sheldrake shares how Morphogenetic Fields and Morphic Resonance are […]

Gut Bacteria Is “The Secret Key” to Your Health and Happiness

Gut microbiota influence is far reaching in the body. Our microbiome has a huge effect on our overall health and well-being, healthy mood, metabolism, signaling molecules and much more.

Since 2007, scientists at the National Institute of Health (NIH) Human Microbiome Project have been honing in on the phenomenon of bacteria hosted in the human body. In 2008, the European Commission and China created the Metagenomics of the Human Intestinal Tract Project (MetaHIT) to join this study. For centuries, scientists have recognized a limited […]

NES Infoceuticals Help Your Body-Field Deal With Toxins

How Infoceuticals can help your body field in dealing with toxins - bioenergetic remedies for naturally restoring healthy mind body patterns, by removing energy blockages and correcting information distortions in the body field.

You probably know the classic homeopathic idea of using low-potency herbs for the liver and kidney organs, or even the lymphatic system. NES’ research has evolved on this idea, taking it to the next level. “The actual body process in dealing with material toxins to the body is like a politician faced with the truth” […]

Grilled Chicken Summer Recipe

Grilled chicken summer recipe - bioenergetic cooking recipe.

BIOENERGETIC COOKING WITH KIMBERLY KNOX For all of us here in the northern hemisphere, summer is in full swing and marks the energetic time of joy and heart energy. Nurturing, creating, and refining are the themes during summmer, as are family, and emotional connection with some of the powerful eclipses we have had. This energy […]

The Placebo Effect

What is emotional immunity or the concept of the placebo effect?

AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY HARRY MASSEY FROM NES HEALTH. Can your thoughts really influence your well-being? You’ve probably heard a story like it before — someone finds out that they’re dying of cancer or another terminal illness, so they adopt a totally new mindset, radically change their life, and somehow end up in remission a […]

Want $20? Refer a Friend.

Juneva Health referral program pays you $20 for every friend you refer.

Nutritious Moringa Pesto

Nutritious moringa pesto - a favorite bioenergetic dish bursting with nutrients.

BIOENERGETIC COOKING WITH KIMBERLY KNOX We are in early summer and it is about “building” on any new bold initiatives we’ve made, and communicating them so we make the connections and receive the feedback we need to get things moving. As mentioned last month, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), late spring/early summer energetically relates […]

Your Personal Health Companion At Your Fingertips!

NES miHealth (on sale now) - your personal bioenergetic health companion that incorporates PEMF therapy, body field scan and restoring healthy mind body pattern in a handheld, non-invasive biofeedback device.

Use the award winning miHealth handheld device for Fast Results and Quick Relief… right at your fingertips! Used by a wide range of practitioners, from surgeons, to chiropractors, from massage therapists to holistic health practitioners… with a wide range of uses; from treating scars and burns, to inflammation and muscle pain…. for everything from calming […]

Leaky Guts and Food Sensitivity

Leaky guts are often the result of food sensitivities and imbalances in your gut microbiome.

You overheard someone talking about leaky gut and all the symptoms they were suffering because of it. You listened with great interest. It sounded like what you’ve been going through for some time – fatigue, brain fog, digestive problems, bloating, headaches, even aches and pains. You realize that almost every time you eat, you don’t […]

Detoxify With Common Sense

Benefit from common sense and better understanding of the detox processes that lead to more effective detoxification results.

A deflated cell with a low cellular membrane potential cannot detoxify. Sports and exercise are important, because they increase your cells’ energy and shake loose some of these toxins. The same principle applies with NES therapy using miHealth and Infoceuticals which help remove energetic blockages and information distortions that are the underlying root cause of […]

Information Medicine – Part 10 – What’s on the Horizon for Future Medicine?

What's on the horizon of future medicine? - a supercharged podcast.

In this 10 part series we will cover all the important elements about Bioenergetics, NES BioEnergetiX WellNES System and the Science behind it, that make it the most effective energy healing system in the 21st century. So, please watch this space for future parts. Part 10 Wondering where the future of medicine is headed? Spoiler […]

Information Medicine – Part 9 – Morphic Resonance

How morphic resonance influences our health - a supercharged podcast. Morphic Resonance is a foundational element in bioenergetics.

In this 10 part series we will cover all the important elements about Bioenergetics, NES BioEnergetiX WellNES System and the Science behind it, that make it the most effective energy healing system in the 21st century. So, please watch this space for future parts. Part 9 Morphic Resonance, developed by biologist, Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D., is […]

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