Tag Archives: depression

Are Toxic Relationships Harming Your Health?

Are Toxic Relationships Harming Your Health?

Relationships are meant to nurture, support, and elevate our overall well‐being. Unfortunately, not every relationship offers positive energy. In some cases, patterns emerge that are harmful to our emotional, mental, and physical health. Toxic relationships are alarmingly prevalent, with 84% of women and 75% of men reporting experiences with a toxic partner or friend at […]

Understanding Iron Deficiency

Understanding Iron Deficiency

Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies worldwide, affecting millions of people, that can have significant implications for overall well-being, including mental health and cognitive function. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 1.62 billion people globally are affected by anemia, often due to iron deficiency. It occurs when your body […]

How to Activate Your Energy Centers With PEMF

How to Activate Your Energy Centers with PEMF

Natural PEMF comes from more than 7 million lightning bolts that strike the Earth every day. These flashes of energy from above resonate and ring the proverbial bell of the ionosphere to an average note of 7.83 Hz, also known as the Schumann Resonance (and the first Chakra). Our bodies have been exposed to and […]

Why You Care About Triglycerides and Blood Glucose

Why You Care About Triglycerides and Blood Glucose.

Did you know that high triglycerides and blood glucose levels are linked? Well, they are! It’s essential to keep blood glucose and triglyceride levels within a healthy range to maintain good health. But to understand why that is, you first need to understand more about triglycerides. Triglycerides are a type of fat found in the […]

Are You Magnesium Deficient? Here’s How You Can Tell

Are You Magnesium Deficient? Here's How You Can Tell

This “miracle mineral” can protect your heart, brain and bones while dissolving tension and helping you sleep. Know these 11 warning signs of a Magnesium deficiency! Magnesium is trending on social media—and that’s a good thing in my book. Wellness experts and influencers are touting it as a “miracle mineral” for stress relief, brain support […]

Cherish Our Mothers and Their Health!

Cherish Our Mothers and Their Health.

Mother’s Day—a day dedicated to honoring the incredible women who have shaped our lives, nurtured our dreams, and held us close through every storm. It’s a celebration of love, sacrifice, and unwavering strength. As we prepare to celebrate this special day, let’s delve into the heartwarming essence of Mother’s Day and explore meaningful ways to […]

Is Too Much Vitamin D Harmful?

Is Too Much Vitamin D Harmful.

Vitamin D toxicity, sometimes called a vitamin D overdose, is a rare but potentially dangerous condition. It occurs when someone has too much vitamin D in their body. Vitamin D toxicity is also called hypervitaminosis D. A vitamin D overdose is typically a side effect of taking large doses of vitamin D supplements. It would not occur […]

Does EMF Protection Work?

EM Radiation - The Silent Killer.

In the matter of moments, we have access to more information right at our fingertips than even before. With technology, we have the ability to video chat long-distance with friends and relatives, and even health practitioners can help clients from halfway across the globe. We have a lot to thank technology for, but with growing […]

The Power of Your Mind Drives Your Emotional Immunity

Emotional Immunity and the Power of Your Mind 2024.

You’ve probably heard a story like it before — someone finds out that they’re dying of cancer or another terminal illness, so they adopt a totally new mindset, radically change their life, and somehow end up in remission a year later. At the other end of the spectrum, there are people who fall into depression and end […]

Why You Care About Vitamin D

Why You Care About Vitamin D.

For many, winter season often raises concerns about vitamin D (the “sunshine vitamin”). Interest in vitamin D has grown in recent years and for sure during the pandemic. Vitamin D deficiency is a global public health issue. It is estimated that nearly 3 billion people suffer from vitamin D deficiency across the world, while 50% […]

Regain Your Self-Love and Oneness Again

Regain Your Self-Love and Oneness Again.

Valentine’s Day is almost here and often brings up feelings we have about love: How it is given and received in our relationships. How it is either lacking or abundant in our lives. How it even looks, smells, and tastes, as we’re bombarded with the commercial manifestation of Valentine’s Day: pinks and reds, chocolate hearts, […]

EM Radiation – The Silent Killer

EM Radiation - The Silent Killer.

ElectroMagnetic Radiation (EMR) is on the rise and becoming an ever-present issue for our health and well-being in modern society as we know it. EMR is given off in waves and is completely undetectable to our senses. It is an invisible threat to our bodies and those are often the most dangerous kind. You probably […]

Craving for Sweetness in Life?

Craving for Sweetness in Life.

Halloween is behind us, but it can mean lots of candy and treats are around, and the comfort foods of the holiday season are just around the corner! This time of the year we are focusing on Energetic Rejuvenator (ER) 42 which relates to the pancreas; it also shares a body-mind association with our relationship […]

Uncover Your Best Chance for Positive Change

ChoicePoint - uncover your best chance for positive change.

As the world gets dipped into chaos and uncertainty reigns, it can be hard enough to see the opportunity in front of you, much less think you can do anything about it. What has been made clear throughout history and by way of physics is that these moments of the greatest stress are the moments […]

Why and How to Get Rid of Belly Fat

Why and How to Get Rid of Belly Fat.

Visceral fat is belly fat found deep within your abdominal cavity. It is not the fat that you can pinch on your belly, but the fat that wraps around your organs inside your abdomen, including your liver, kidneys, and pancreas. Excess visceral fat is a serious problem. Some levels of visceral fat are healthy and […]

How Emotional Oscillators Affect Your Health

How Emotional Oscillators Affect Your Health.

Emotions are an integral part of our human experience. They influence our thinking, behavior, actions, and physical body. They are a message about our state of being and the most important indicators of ‘how we are’ in the world. They are inextricably linked to our beliefs and thoughts. Emotions form two distinct groups: Those that […]

Highly Processed Foods Linked to Decline in Brain Health

Highly Processed Foods Linked to Decline in Brain Health.

Increased risks of diabetes, heart issues, obesity, and cancer are just some of the ways that highly processed foods impact human health. Research over the past 10 years has also demonstrated just how much American’s highly processed food pantry staples affect the brain as well.[1] Studies have found that mental effects of highly processed foods […]

Do Emotions Affect Arthritis?

Do Emotions Affect Arthritis.

Arthritis is one of the most widespread health conditions in the United States. It affects about one in four adults overall. That’s over 54 million men and women. Arthritis affects working-age adults, older adults, and even children. The number of adults who live in rural or urban areas and are affected by arthritis is the […]

5 Ways to Improve Your Emotional Health

5 Ways to Improve Your Emotional Health.

Emotions are a key consideration in health and in helping your body’s healing to make progress. Let’s consider why for a moment, then we look at 5 ways to support emotional health in order to drive better overall health outcomes. We know that everything we perceive as physical — including our bodies — is made […]

How To Address Emotional Oscillators

How To Address Emotional Oscillators.

When dealing with the bioenergetic correlates of disease, the first process is to address the emotional oscillators. As a reminder, in NES theory, emotional oscillators can be thought of as information flows that eventually can affect four key organelles of the cell. An emotion is also an energetic structure that forms a standing wave (scalar […]

What is PEMF?

What is PEMF.

You might see EMF hidden in PEMF and instantly think nothing good can come from PEMF, but that’s wrong! After all, EMF makes up 75% of the acronym and the dangers of EMFs are well-documented. So it’s understandable if you think PEMF might be similarly bad. But that’s a bad assumption.   Magnetic Forces Throughout […]

Does Your Health Suffer From Toxic Relationships?

Does Your Health Suffer From Toxic Relationships.

Toxic relationships are all too common. 84% of women and 75% of men report having a toxic partner or friend at some point. Every minute, approximately 20 people are the victims of physical abuse by an intimate partner in the United States. On average, husbands or boyfriends are responsible for the murders of more than three women each day. Every month, the National […]

What is Emotional Immunity?

What is Emotional Immunity.

You’ve probably heard a story like it before — someone finds out that they’re dying of cancer or another terminal illness, so they adopt a totally new mindset, radically change their life, and somehow end up in remission a year later. At the other end of the spectrum, there are people who fall into depression and end […]

Activate Your 7 Chakras With PEMF

Activate your 7 chakras with PEMF.

Chakras – Energy Centers of The Body! Natural PEMF comes from more than 7 million lightning bolts that strike the Earth every day. These flashes of energy from above resonate and ring the proverbial bell of the ionosphere to an average note of 7.83 Hz, also known as the Schumann Resonance (and the first Chakra). […]

When You Should Embrace EMFs

PEMF therapy - a non-invasive, bioenergetic therapy that brings relief from many acute and chronic issues by using bursts of a low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field that will pass painlessly and quickly through the skin and penetrate deep into tissues, muscles, bones, tendons, and even organs to recharge the cell's energy and encourage its natural repair mechanisms.

You probably do your best to avoid EMFs at all costs. But is there a case where you might want to have them beamed directly into your body? What is PEMF? What is EMF (ElectroMagnetic Field)? Do you ever stop thinking about how amazing of an impact technology has on our lives? In the matter of […]

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