Tag Archives: anxiety

Emotional Immunity and the Power of Your Mind

Emotional immunity and the power of your mind.

You’ve probably heard a story like it before — someone finds out that they’re dying of cancer or another terminal illness, so they adopt a totally new mindset, radically change their life, and somehow end up in remission a year later. At the other end of the spectrum, there are people who fall into depression and end […]

The Truth about Mobile Phone and Wireless Radiation

The Truth about Mobile Phone and Wireless Radiation

Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is on the rise and becoming an ever-present issue for our health and well-being in modern society as we know it. EMR is given off in waves and is completely undetectable to our senses. It is an invisible threat to our bodies and those are often the most dangerous kind. You probably […]

Uncover Your Best Chance for Positive Change

ChoicePoint - uncover your best chance for positive change.

As the world gets dipped into chaos and uncertainty reigns, it can be hard enough to see the opportunity in front of you, much less think you can do anything about it. What has been made clear throughout history and by way of physics is that these moments of the greatest stress are the moments […]

Brain Holograms and Liberator – Releasing Past Shock & Trauma

Brain holograms and liberator - release past shock & trauma.

Emotions are an integral part of our human experience. They influence our thinking, behavior, actions, and physical body. They are a message about our state of being and the most important indicators of ‘how we are’ in the world. They are inextricably linked to our beliefs and thoughts. Emotions form two distinct groups: Those that […]

Emotions Affect Arthritis

Emotions affect arthritis.

Arthritis is one of the most widespread health conditions in the United States. It affects about one in four adults overall. That’s over 54 million men and women. Arthritis affects working-age adults, older adults, and even children. The number of adults who live in rural or urban areas and are affected by arthritis is the […]

5 Ways to Address Emotional Health for Better Health Outcomes

5 Ways to address emotional health for better health outcomes - with NES body-field scan and therapy you can improve your well being and health right from the comfort of your home. - with NES body-field scan and therapy you can improve your well being and health right from the comfort of your home.

Emotions are a key consideration in health and in helping your body’s healing to make progress. Let’s consider why for a moment, then we look at 5 ways to support emotional health in order to drive better overall health outcomes. We know that everything we perceive as physical — including our bodies — is made […]

What is PEMF?

PEMF therapy - a non-invasive, bioenergetic therapy that brings relief from many acute and chronic issues by using bursts of a low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field that will pass painlessly and quickly through the skin and penetrate deep into tissues, muscles, bones, tendons, and even organs to recharge the cell's energy and encourage its natural repair mechanisms.

If you just read PEMF (Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field) and instantly dismissed it as being anything good, you’d hardly be the first. After all, EMF makes up 75% of the acronym and the dangers of EMFs are well-documented. So it’s understandable if you think PEMF might be similarly bad. But that’s a bad assumption. In fact, […]

Emotional Immunity and the Power of Your Mind

Emotional immunity and the power of your mind - with NES body-field scan and therapy you can improve your well being and health right from the comfort of your home.

You’ve probably heard a story like it before — someone finds out that they’re dying of cancer or another terminal illness, so they adopt a totally new mindset, radically change their life, and somehow end up in remission a year later. At the other end of the spectrum, there are people who fall into depression and end […]

The Reason Your Diet Is NOT Working

The reason your diet is not working - restore your energy and health with NES body-field scan and therapy.

Whether you’re looking to lose weight, stay healthy, just get your life in some semblance of order, or a million other reasons, most people will say you need to focus on these two things. Diet Exercise Many have started there and many have failed. It’s not uncommon. In fact, it happens all too frequently. The […]

One Time You Should Welcome EMFs

PEMF therapy - a non-invasive, bioenergetic therapy that brings relief from many acute and chronic issues by using bursts of a low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field that will pass painlessly and quickly through the skin and penetrate deep into tissues, muscles, bones, tendons, and even organs to recharge the cell's energy and encourage its natural repair mechanisms.

You probably do your best to avoid EMFs at all costs. But is there a case where you might want to have them beamed directly into your body? What is PEMF? What is EMF (ElectroMagnetic Field)? Do you ever stop thinking about how amazing of an impact technology has on our lives? In the matter of […]

Celebrate Our Mothers and Their Health!

Wishing happy mother's day with a dozen pink roses.

No matter if it’s your birth mother or a stepmom, grandmother, aunt, neighbor, coworker, or friend’s mom. Whoever your mom – or mother figure is – they are all amazing, and it’s important we honor and celebrate them this Mother’s Day, May 10. We often don’t realize what a rewarding and tough role moms’ have […]

Now Wellness Comes To You At Home

Now wellness comes to you at home - with NES body-field scan and therapy you can improve your well being and health right from the comfort of your home.

Caring for your and your families well-being is becoming more challenging with the current COVID-19 situation and the restrictions in place. There is a lot of anxiety about what is happening and how that will impact our lives moving forward — especially from a personal health point of view. With increased uncertainty around the world, […]

Restore Your Immunity and Wellbeing NOW

Restore your immunity and wellbeing now - with NES body-field scan and therapy.

Things are changing rapidly, and we are all having to adapt to new ways of doing things and quickly. We know there is a lot of anxiety about what is happening and how that will impact our lives moving forward — especially from a personal health point of view. The timing for using the NES […]

How Toxic Relationships Will Make You Sick (Here’s What To Do About It)

How toxic relationships will make you sick - NES body-field scan and therapy can bring relief.

A person who is chronically stuck in a low emotional state (also known as an “incoherent” state), such as anger, fear, or depression, will be sending that message out to people around them all the time. Consequently, this will affect the other person’s emotional and mental state, bringing them down as well. When someone is […]

The Sound of Healing

The sound of healing - vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) assists with relief from anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD, autism and learning difficulties, dementia, stress, pain, insomnia, and more.

Imagine reducing your pain and addressing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges all while relaxing in a life changing, mind-blowing, 3-dimensional, full body sound massage experience! It is possible to enhance your quality of life with vibroacoustic therapy TODAY. Vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) has been synergistically combined with a wide variety of health care modalities today. […]

PEMF “The Silent Healer”

PEMF therapy - a non-invasive, bioenergetic therapy that brings relief from many acute and chronic issues by using bursts of a low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field that will pass painlessly and quickly through the skin and penetrate deep into tissues, muscles, bones, tendons, and even organs to recharge the cell's energy and encourage its natural repair mechanisms.

Having healthy cells is not a passive process. Active, regular tuning-up of our cells is not only feasible, but also necessary to slow aging and reduce the risk of cell dysfunction. We are, after all, only as healthy as our cells. Imperceptible cell dysfunction that is not corrected early can lead to disease. Fine-tuning can […]

Looking for Veterans for New Pilot Study

Juneva Health pilot study program for veterans to assess the efficacy of bioenergetic therapy modalities in particular with PTSD.

We are looking for a group of veterans who are willing to fully participate in a 8-week pilot study using the latest and most advanced alternative and holistic therapeutic solutions at Juneva Health. Your participation and results have the potential to positively impact tens of thousands of veterans. The program’s purpose is to provide Pathways […]

The Healing Effect of Sound

The healing effect of sound - healing with sound and vibrations define vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) and assists with relief from anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD, autism and learning difficulties, dementia, stress, pain, insomnia, and more.

All matter vibrates and the human body is no different. We seem so comforted by vibration and sound perhaps because our first experiences within the womb were known and felt as vibration (e.g. our mother’s heartbeat and voice). Fact is that our body is over 70% water and because sound travels 5 times more efficiently […]

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