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Tag Archives: alzheimer

Bottled Water is Full of Tiny Plastics

Bottled Water Is Full of Tiny Plastics.

Americans now purchase upwards of 15 billion gallons of bottled water each year. Little do they know each bottled liter is teeming with a quarter million tiny plastic particles, according to research published earlier this month. The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, showed roughly 240,000 detectable plastic particles in a typical […]

Why and How to Get Rid of Belly Fat

Why and How to Get Rid of Belly Fat.

Visceral fat is belly fat found deep within your abdominal cavity. It is not the fat that you can pinch on your belly, but the fat that wraps around your organs inside your abdomen, including your liver, kidneys, and pancreas. Excess visceral fat is a serious problem. Some levels of visceral fat are healthy and […]

Highly Processed Foods Linked to Decline in Brain Health

Highly Processed Foods Linked to Decline in Brain Health.

Increased risks of diabetes, heart issues, obesity, and cancer are just some of the ways that highly processed foods impact human health. Research over the past 10 years has also demonstrated just how much American’s highly processed food pantry staples affect the brain as well.[1] Studies have found that mental effects of highly processed foods […]

The Sound of Healing

The sound of healing - vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) assists with relief from anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD, autism and learning difficulties, dementia, stress, pain, insomnia, and more.

Imagine reducing your pain and addressing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges all while relaxing in a life changing, mind-blowing, 3-dimensional, full body sound massage experience! It is possible to enhance your quality of life with vibroacoustic therapy TODAY. Vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) has been synergistically combined with a wide variety of health care modalities today. […]

Scientists Conclude Pertussis Vaccine Causes Permanent Brain Damage

Scientists conclude pertussis vaccine causes permanent brain damage.

AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. BACK TO THE FUTURE: Following is an article from TVR’s historical archives published in the Spring 1990 print edition on a scientific conference sponsored by the National Vaccine Information Center in 1989 evaluating serious complications of pertussis infection and whole cell pertussis vaccine in DPT. While in the […]

The Healing Effect of Sound

The healing effect of sound - healing with sound and vibrations define vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) and assists with relief from anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD, autism and learning difficulties, dementia, stress, pain, insomnia, and more.

All matter vibrates and the human body is no different. We seem so comforted by vibration and sound perhaps because our first experiences within the womb were known and felt as vibration (e.g. our mother’s heartbeat and voice). Fact is that our body is over 70% water and because sound travels 5 times more efficiently […]

Influenza Vaccine Update 2017

Influenza vaccine update 2017.

AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY JOSEPH MERCOLA, DO AND THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. It’s that time again. Flu season. And with it, a constant barrage of reminders to get your annual flu shot. Interestingly enough, what you’re being told about the influenza vaccine’s effectiveness and the reality are two very different stories. In January 2015, […]

Chronic Inflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease

Chronic inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease - from a bioenergetc perspective.

AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY KATE RAINES AND THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. As medical researchers continue to make progress in understanding the causes and mechanisms behind Alzheimer’s disease (AD), it appears that AD may be another example of an autoimmune disease, in which the body’s own immune system turns on itself in a case of […]

Joseph Mercola, DO On The Decline Of Mercury and Increase Of Aluminum In Vaccines

Joseph Mercola DO - on the decline of mercury and increase of aluminum in vaccines.

AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. “Mercury (thimerosal) exposure has declined significantly since it was eliminated from the single-dose vials of most childhood vaccines, yet autism rates have continued to skyrocket. This has led many to assume that mercury isn’t a problem, and anyone questioning the safety of vaccines is considered to […]

Is Your Baby Getting Too Much Aluminum?

Is your baby getting too much aluminum?

AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. Aluminum is a metal that seems harmless. We wrap our food in it, cook with it, and swallow aluminum in food and water every day since it occurs naturally in the environment. There is aluminum in breast milk and even more in baby formula. And aluminum […]

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