A remote Healy scan & therapy session performed either (A) without your presence or (B) in a live 1-on-1 session with one of our practitioners via Telehealth. The goal is to identify the bioenergetic disturbances in your energy field and restore your bioenergetic harmony and health.

Healy is a frequency healing device that was developed and made in Germany. It supports your physical, mental and emotional well-being. It is used for the treatment of pain, chronic pain, skeletal pain, fibromyalgia, migraines and sleep, as well as for the support of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and related sleep disorders and many more.
What Does Healy Do?
Healy uses biofeedback and resonance technology to help heal your body at a cellular level. By assisting with energetic imbalances and increasing cellular energy it improves cellular communication by charging the cell to its optimal mV rate. This helps activate the body’s own healing ability, empowering the immune system and aiding the body back to homeostasis. Thus, dramatically improving performance, endurance, and recovery.

For cells to function at a normal/optimal rate the appropriate cellular voltage of a cell should be around -70 mV. This ensures enough electrons and proper electrochemical transfer.
Electrons provide a negative charge and when there’s not enough electron availability the chemical processes get stuck. This is generally around -40 mV where pain begins to thrive. At -15 mV, is the threshold below which the cell can mutate into a tumor cell. Healy keeps your body in homeostasis. Thus, helping to fortify the immune system.
Especially in today’s world where we have many harmful frequencies such as RF and SAR radiation constantly bombarding us, it's important to protect your bio-electric field.
According to this model, electrical frequencies are the language and the key to cell communication. The frequencies used in the applications communicates with the cells using the “language” of frequencies. Thus, one goal of the applications is to counteract the extracellular hyperacidity and restore natural cell membrane tension.
Through information field controlled frequency applications, Healy will optimally support the cellular environment and cell membrane voltage with specific and individually selected frequencies.
How does the Scan & Therapy Work?
In order for us to connect the Healy with your Information Field, we use 'Quantum Entanglement' which creates a virtual 'quantum' link to you and your Information Field. To establish a unique connection with you, Healy requires your name, photo (headshot), date of birth, and birth location, which are mandatory for this session. Of course, all your information is treated confidential, not used anywhere else, and follows our strict privacy policy.
Both, Resonance and Aura Analysis functions of Healy, that we use for your session, analyze the duration of the required frequency for you and constantly checks the progress of all the applied frequencies. At the appropriate time, Healy automatically switches to the next frequency and applies it until it is no longer needed, or the maximum application duration has been reached.
Healy uses the 144,000 Gold Frequencies, which according to its model should each have specific effects. At the heart of Healy is a quantum sensor that uses these Gold Frequencies to individually analyze the frequencies that are suitable for you at the time of application.
Resonance Analysis
With the Resonance Analysis we perform analyses in your Information Field to determine your highest resonance with selected programs or topic specific databases. Your practitioner determines which programs/databases are best suited for your personal health situation.

Once the programs are started, Healy starts transmitting ('Vibrate') frequencies into your Information Field via the virtual 'quantum' connection we created. Healy then analyzes how long a frequency should be applied and checks the progress of the currently applied frequency every 10 seconds. These frequencies are individually determined during application. The respective frequencies are applied until the progress, which can be between -100 % and +100 %, reaches 95 % or the maximum time for the resonance application has passed.

Aura (Chakra) Analysis
With the Aura Analysis we perform analyses of the energy of each chakra in the Information Field for you and then perform a deeper analysis in the chakra-specific databases of the selected chakras.
Once the programs are started, Healy starts transmitting ('Vibrate') frequencies into your Information Field via the virtual 'quantum' connection we created and analyzes how long a frequency should be applied and checks the progress of the currently applied frequency, similar to the Resonance Analysis.

IMPORTANT! If this is your first session and we don't have your profile photo and birth location, including town/city and state (for US/Canada) or country, on file, please submit them to our support team via email to heal@juneva.com at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of your session. If you plan to participate in a live 1-on-1 Telehealth session, please make sure you carefully review the Telehealth Setup information for how to join a Telehealth session on our website before you book the appointment.
Cancellation Policy:
If it is necessary to cancel or modify your scheduled appointment, we require that you notify us at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of your appointment start-time to avoid any late cancellation/no show fees your account may be charged with in accordance with our terms and conditions.
If you need to make changes to an appointment, please send us an email to appointments@juneva.com, or call us at 1-855-688-3760 and select option 2. You can also simply cancel an appointment from your account.
"Late Cancellation" occurs when the twenty-four (24) hours in advance cancellation period has passed.
Note: Healy Scan & Therapy Sessions are non-refundable.
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