An all-encompassing bioenergetic therapy session in our clinic including a body-field scan and 1-on-1 review with one of our practitioners, a personalized therapy plan, and our unique BioScalar Infusion℠ therapy (90 min) in combination with our miHealth biofeedback therapy, RestStation vibroacoustic therapy and PEMF therapy, plus your recommended BioScalar Infusion℠ ready bioenergetic remedies (NES Infoceuticals) for use at home with a scalar system.
First, find out what's impacting your energy and health levels with our NES' bioenergetic scanning technology and gain a deeper insight into your holographic self.

Then, experience our unique BioScalar Infusion℠ therapy that uses the healing abilities of scalar wave/energy to infuse (transmit) a wealth of corrective and supportive “information” into your body to help restore and optimize its functionality and thereby encouraging its natural repair mechanisms. (New to Scalar Waves/Energy? Start here!)
We take the scalar wave/energy approach to the next level with our revolutionary BioScalar Infusion℠ therapy by simultaneously transmitting via scalar wave the corrective holographic information of NES Infoceuticals, NES miHealth global scaling frequencies & information, Rife frequencies, PEMF, imprinted music and information of other molecular substances (e.g. nutritional supplements, toxin binders, etc.) into your body-field.
Benefit from the incredible healing power of NES Infoceuticals, a unique line of bioenergetic remedies that perfectly match to specific organs, systems, or sub-systems of the body and deliver corrective bio(quantum)-information into your body to help repair the information distortions in the body-field and restore the body to its optimal functioning.
Experience the powerful miHealth biofeedback therapy that brings relief from many acute and chronic issues by clearing blockages, releasing trigger points, and reducing stress in muscles, nerves, organs and other areas of the body, and thereby restoring proper energy flow through the body and igniting the body's own healing abilities.
Enjoy the amazing RestStation vibroacoustic therapy that assists with relief from anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD, autism and learning difficulties, dementia, stress, pain, insomnia, and more by stimulating the body's natural relaxation response at a deep cellular level with healing frequencies, vibrations, and powerful guided meditations.
And, boost your healing process with the leading-edge PEMF therapy that brings relief from many acute and chronic issues by using bursts of a low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field that will pass painlessly and quickly through the skin and penetrate deep into tissues, muscles, bones, tendons, and even organs to recharge the cell's energy and encourage its natural repair mechanisms.
IMPORTANT! You must own a scalar system for using your BioScalar Infusion℠ ready NES Infoceuticals at home.
Cancellation Policy:
If it is necessary to cancel or modify your scheduled appointment, we require that you notify us at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of your appointment start-time to avoid any late cancellation/no show fees your account may be charged with in accordance with our terms and conditions.
If you need to make changes to an appointment, please send us an email to, or call us at 1-855-688-3760 and select option 2. You can also simply cancel an appointment from your account.
"Late Cancellation" occurs when the twenty-four (24) hours in advance cancellation period has passed.
Note: Total Wellness Sessions are non-refundable.
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