Category Archives: Information Medicine

How Does a Body-Field Scan Work?

How Does a Body-Field Scan Work.

The NES System is an advanced software program that provides a way to peek into the bioenergetic and informational recesses of your body-field to see what is going on. It’s a snapshot that allows you to accurately assess the correlations between your body-field and your physical and emotional states at a particular moment in time. […]

Are Microbes Solely to Blame for Your Health?

Are Microbes Solely to Blame for Your Health.

Pasteur wasn’t 100% right – the truth is your immune system’s health isn’t 100% dependent on what you come into contact with. Throughout 2020 and 2021, we were hammered with the idea that a virus was the cause of many of the world’s woes. The virus was the problem, and if we could only kill […]

The Real Root of Health

The Real Root of Health.

In terms of the body-field and body, all its structures, has its own frequency. Frequencies are real and you can add, subtract, resonate, and even measure them. This can be done to human tissues or the data sets that we use to represent the tissues. NES Health uses the frequency model in relation to the […]

Order Arises from Chaos?

Order Arises from Chaos.

We are at the frontiers of biology and physics with NES’ theory of the human body-field, and we find many others with valid and intriguing ideas keeping us company. One such person is American astrophysicist Milo Wolff. His space resonance theory, which is also called the wave structure of matter theory, supports NES’ theory very […]

What’s Your Energetic Stress Style?

What's Your Energetic Stress Style.

No matter how much we love our significant other or people around us, there will likely be times throughout the year when we are not on the same wavelength. ​The way we react to distress in our relationships is driven by our energetic stress style [1]. The term energetic stress style is used to reflect […]

The Best Doctor Is Your Body!

THIS Is the secret to how the body works.

Modern medicine uses biochemistry as the science of healing, but research is uncovering that Bioenergetics, an exciting, emerging area of 21st century medicine is a more effective, life-sustaining approach that heals all living systems. Our body is made up of 70-100 trillion cells, and these cells perform thousands of biochemical functions every day. But what […]

Why Your Health Depends on Waves

PEMF therapy - a non-invasive, bioenergetic therapy that brings relief from many acute and chronic issues by using bursts of a low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field that will pass painlessly and quickly through the skin and penetrate deep into tissues, muscles, bones, tendons, and even organs to recharge the cell's energy and encourage its natural repair mechanisms.

As Nikola Tesla stated more than a century ago If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration? In terms of the human body-field and body, all its structures, have its own frequency. Frequencies are real and you can add, subtract, resonate, and even measure them. This can be done to human tissues or the data sets that we […]

What’s Actually in Infoceuticals?

What's Actual in Infoceuticals.

If you take a look at any two bottles of Infoceuticals, you might find yourself confused. Aside from the name on the front, the labels look identical. It’s something you don’t see often. Even when you compare two different bottles of vitamin C, the amounts of the immune-supporting vitamin are likely to be different. Why […]

How Does Zero-Point Energy Affect Your Health

How Does Zero-Point Energy Affect Your Health.

We must always look at how the energy of the body is set up in the first place, and cavities provide the mechanism. Cavity physics is the study of energy in enclosed spaces as these spaces can amplify and do other interesting things to energy. It was the study of what is called black-body radiation […]

So, what is the Human Body-Field?

What is the Human Body-Field.

You may have heard or read, “the human body-field” and never actually understood what it is or what it means. The human body-field is what is at the root of your very being.  The word “body-field” brings the idea to mind that it has something to do with energy fields within the body, but there’s […]

What’s Going On With My Body-Field?

What's Going On With My Body-Field.

So you’ve had your first scan… or your second… third… thirtieth and something seems really off.  Your scan is the complete opposite of what you expected.  It’s like you studied for an exam, knew everything there is to know, and failed it miserably. Or, you went in knowing nothing at all about earth science and […]

How We Detect Your Body’s Energy Fields

How we detect your body's energy fields - with NES body-field scan and therapy you can improve your well being and health right from the comfort of your home.

X-rays are easy to understand. So are MRIs.  Both machines take a picture of your body. You can see it with your very own eyes — your broken bones, water in your lungs… You can even see a map of your brain. You don’t doubt what you’re seeing on the screen for a single second. […]

Is There More to Your Body Than Biochemistry?

Is There More To Your Body Than Biochemistry.

Your body consists of 70 to 100 trillion cells, each with 10 million chemical reactions taking place each second.  Mainstream medicine thinks these chemical reactions are how cells communicate with each other.  If this is the only way of communication, it’s far too slow. It would take seconds, possibly even minutes, for one cell to […]

Health Beyond Scans & Infoceuticals

Health Beyond Scans & Infoceuticals.

As powerful as the Infoceuticals are for deep, corrective work, we wanted also something different to help people with physical issues.  After all, hundreds of millions of people around the world struggle with it. Meanwhile, NES Health didn’t want to just create a variation on things that existed, but rather take what they learned in […]

Structured Water 2.0

Structured water 2.0.

Discovering energy blockages in the body-field was the easy part. It was just a matter of finding areas that didn’t have the “correct” information. If the body needed to restore correct information in the body, why not simply give it that correct information?  Why not literally show the body-field what it should be doing and, […]

Here’s What We Scan For in Your Body

What we scan for in your body - NES body-field scan and therapy.

The holistic nature of our bioenergetic assessment using the NES system is what makes it so empowering.  For starters, it doesn’t just look at someone as an individual, but also as part of a greater whole. A person’s environment has a tremendous impact on their health and well-being. This interaction of someone with their environment […]

Tired of Conventional Medicine? Do a Body-Field Scan!

The advantage of a body-field scan over allopathic medicine - the basis for the NES body-field scan and therapy.

You likely know a body-field scan takes just a few seconds. After all, it’s one of the biggest benefits. You get a quick, accurate overview of your entire body on an array of screens with color-coded priorities. Our certified bioenergetic practitioners can take the results from the assessment and suggest a course of action. Meanwhile, […]

What is the Blueprint of Life?

What is the blueprint of life.

Really, the only true answer is that life is an energy exchange system. If we zoom out and look at the sun, it is exchanging energy — it’s sending out photons as sunlight, they end up shining on the earth, plants use that source of energy, animals end up eating those plans, animals eat other animals, and […]

Does Water Have a Memory?

Does water have a memory?

If you do a quick internet search, you’ll find no shortage of articles claiming water’s memory is pseudoscience and that it’s simply “not accepted by the scientific community.” It’s been said Truths pass through three stages. They are ridiculed They are violently opposed They are accepted as self-evident If water does, in fact, have memory, […]

THIS Is the Secret to How the Body Works

THIS Is the secret to how the body works.

In the last 100+ years of research, a lot has been done outside of conventional medicine into the fields and frequencies of the body and how we can read or alter them to support health. This research began because your body is more than mere chemical reactions. There’s something else going on that affects your […]

Optimize Your Health with miHealth!

Optimize your health with NES miHealth - the award winning bioenergetic health companion that incorporates PEMF therapy, body field scan and restoring healthy mind body patterns in a handheld, non-invasive biofeedback device.

The award-winning NES miHealth handheld device offers Fast Results and Quick Relief…right at your fingertips! Used by a wide range of practitioners, from surgeons, to chiropractors, from massage therapists to holistic health practitioners… with a wide range of uses from treating scars and burns, to inflammation and muscle pain… for everything from calming down stress […]

How We Can Assess Your Bio-field In Seconds

Now We Can Assess Your Bio-field In Seconds.

The human body is complex. So how can you get an accurate assessment so quickly? The most basic measurements of the body take at least 10 seconds. That’s getting your pulse and multiplying by 6. And 10 seconds might not even give you enough of the picture to get an accurate rate. Getting your blood […]

Bioenergetics – The Breakthrough You Should Know About

Bioenergetics – The Breakthrough You Should Know About.

You are much more than cells. Much more than carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and the rest of the individual elements that make up your body. The ancients realized this. Traditional Chinese Medicine labeled 12 energy fields within your body and called them Meridians. Acupuncture, massage, and homeopathy recognize and operate on the basis of this […]

The Root of Your Energy

The root of your energy - with NES body-field scan and therapy you can improve your well being and health right from the comfort of your home.

Ready to regain your energy? Before we get to the NES Energetic Driver (ED) Infoceuticals, you need to understand what they’re attempting to correct. This will ultimately explain how you’re able to benefit from them. The Energetic Drivers (EDs) are fields that generate power for the body-field and the physical body. They arise from the major […]

Juneva Health Receives 2021 GHP Magazine Award

Juneva receives a 2021 healthcare and pharmaceutical award from GHP magazine

We did it …yet again! Three years in a row. We are humbled and excited about the recognition we receive for the work we do here at Juneva Health. We all want to express our gratitude, especially for the trust and support we’ve received from all our clients in allowing us to become a part […]

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