Category Archives: Information Medicine

Your Health Depends on Waves!

Your Health Depends on Waves!

More than a century ago, Nikola Tesla articulated a profound insight: If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration? Moreover, advances in technology have enabled us to measure and interact with these frequencies, giving us tools to assess and even modify the energetic signatures within our bodies. Techniques such as […]

Infoceuticals – what’s in it?

Infoceuticals - what's in it?

If you take a look at any two bottles of Infoceuticals, you might find yourself confused. Aside from the name on the front, the labels look identical. It’s something you don’t see often. Even when you compare two different bottles of vitamin C, the amounts of the immune-supporting vitamin are likely to be different. Why […]

Does Zero-Point Energy Affect Your Health?

Does Zero-Point Energy Affect Your Health?

We must always look at how the energy of the body is set up in the first place, and cavities provide the mechanism. Cavity physics is the study of energy in enclosed spaces as these spaces can amplify and do other interesting things to energy. It was the study of what is called black-body radiation […]

Human Body-Field – What is it?

Conventional Medicine Not Working for You? Do a Body-Field Scan!

You may have heard or read, “the human body-field” and never actually understood what it is or what it means. The human body-field is what is at the root of your very being.  The word “body-field” brings the idea to mind that it has something to do with energy fields within the body, but there’s […]

What’s Happening With My Body-Field?

What's Happening With My Body-Field?

So you’ve had your first scan… or your second… third… thirtieth and something seems really off.  Your scan is the complete opposite of what you expected.  It’s like you studied for an exam, knew everything there is to know, and failed it miserably. Or, you went in knowing nothing at all about earth science and […]

What Insights a Body-Field Scan Can Reveal?

What Insights a Body-Field Scan Can Reveal.

The holistic nature of our bioenergetic assessment using the NES system is what makes it so empowering.  For starters, it doesn’t just look at someone as an individual, but also as part of a greater whole. A person’s environment has a tremendous impact on their health and well-being. This interaction of someone with their environment […]

Forget Conventional Medicine – Do a Body-Field Scan!

Conventional Medicine Not Working for You? Do a Body-Field Scan!

You may not know, but a body-field scan takes just a few seconds. After all, it’s one of the biggest benefits. You get a quick, accurate overview of your entire body on an array of screens with color-coded priorities. Our certified bioenergetic practitioners can take the results from the assessment and suggest a course of […]

Here Is The Blueprint of Life!

Here Is The Blueprint of Life!

The only true answer to the question of ‘What is the blueprint of life?’ is that life is an energy exchange system. If we zoom out and look at the sun, it is exchanging energy — it’s sending out photons as sunlight, they end up shining on the earth, plants use that source of energy, animals end […]

Find out How the Body Really Works

Find out How the Body Really Works.

In the last 100+ years of research, a lot has been done outside of conventional medicine into the fields and frequencies of the body and how we can read or alter them to support health. This research began because your body is more than mere chemical reactions. There’s something else going on that affects your […]

Regain Your Health With miHealth!

The award-winning NES miHealth handheld device offers Fast Results and Quick Relief…right at your fingertips! Used by a wide range of practitioners, from surgeons, to chiropractors, from massage therapists to holistic health practitioners… with a wide range of uses from treating scars and burns, to inflammation and muscle pain… for everything from calming down stress […]

Bioenergetics – The Quantum Leap You Should Know About

What You Should Know About Bioenergetics.

You are much more than cells. Much more than carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and the rest of the individual elements that make up your body. The ancients realized this. Traditional Chinese Medicine labeled 12 energy fields within your body and called them Meridians. Acupuncture, massage, and homeopathy recognize and operate on the basis of this […]

Ready to Regain Your Energy?

The root of your energy - with NES body-field scan and therapy you can improve your well being and health right from the comfort of your home.

The Root of your energy Before we get to the NES Energetic Driver (ED) Infoceuticals, you need to understand what they’re attempting to correct. This will ultimately explain how you’re able to benefit from them. The Energetic Drivers (EDs) are fields that generate power for the body-field and the physical body. They arise from the major […]

The Future of Healthcare is Here!

The Future of Healthcare is Here.

To fully understand where quantum physics and healing intersect to create a “quantum healing experience” by promoting a bioenergetic approach, we first take a quick look at what information medicine is. Our Body-Field transmits information to our cells’ own energy fields about what biochemical functions to perform and in what order – it is the […]

Restore Your Energy Now!

Restore Your Energy Now.

Happy New Year! A new year, new you, new opportunities and better health maybe ahead of you. Creating health is NOT an outside in job; it’s just the opposite — it’s an inside out shift. The same is true of resolutions! Attention will follow intention so making lifestyle changes and creating a strong, healthy body-field (“your […]

A Revolutionary Approach to Holistic Health Care

A Revolutionary Approach to Holistic Health Care.

Imagine having a window into the unseen energetic and informational dimensions of your body-field. Using NES’ BioEnergetiX WellNES System (BWS) offers just that – a glimpse into the intricate workings of your body-field, correlating it with your physical and emotional states at any given moment. This revolutionary system captures a snapshot of your body-field in a […]

Craving for Sweetness in Life?

Craving for Sweetness in Life.

Halloween is behind us, but it can mean lots of candy and treats are around, and the comfort foods of the holiday season are just around the corner! This time of the year we are focusing on Energetic Rejuvenator (ER) 42 which relates to the pancreas; it also shares a body-mind association with our relationship […]

New Research Confirms NES’ Groundbreaking Science!

New Research Confirms NES' Groundbreaking Science.

Dr. Hemal Patel, Professor and Vice-Chair for Research at UC San Diego, shares the groundbreaking science behind NES Infoceuticals. He discusses research done in his university lab exploring the effects of NES Infoceuticals on cells. Results showed the undeniable proof of NES technology demonstrated by improved viral resistance, increased mitochondrial proliferation, reduced cellular stress, and […]

Anomalies Conventional Medicine Can’t Explain!

Anomalies Conventional Medicine Can’t Explain.

Let’s look at some “cracks” in biology that the theory of the human body-field can explain better than conventional biological and medicine theory can. This is just an overview of some areas that are worth exploring further and by no means a detailed explanation of the human body-field theory, which is available in other documents […]

How Morphic Fields Drive Your Health and Healing

How Morphic Fields Drive Your Health and Healing.

Morphogenetic Fields and Morphic Resonance, developed by leading biologist, Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D., is a theory of collected memory in nature, specific to each species. Morphic fields/resonance are the foundation behind bioenergetics and what we call the Human Body-Field. In this podcast, Dr. Sheldrake shares how Morphogenetic Fields and Morphic Resonance are an essential part of […]

How Does a Bioenergetic Assessment Work?

How Does a Bioenergetic Assessment Work.

When it comes to health, nutrition and pharmaceutical medicine both have their roles. The former provides the physical building blocks needed for good health while the latter may help to mitigate symptoms of disease. Both, however, approach health from a chemical point of view. The future of health looks beyond that, into the physics of […]

Is Your Body Out of Sync and Affecting Your Health?

Your body is out of sync and it's affecting your health - with NES body-field scan and therapy you can improve your well being and health right from the comfort of your home.

When we talk about your body’s control system, or “body-field,” we’re talking about something that uses the resonance of energy signals to provide communication throughout the body.  This system, like the name implies, affects the entirety of your body, your health, and ultimately, your energy levels. With the NES BioEnergetix WellNES System, we’re able to […]

‘Get Up and Live’ with Muscle Driver Infoceutical

Get Up and Live With Muscle Driver Infoceutical.

Learn all about the Muscle Driver Infoceutical. Muscle Driver – ED 9 Key words: INDEPENDENCE, COOPERATION, MOVEMENT, FREE WILL, STRENGTH, STAMINA, RESOLVE, IDENTITY, DIRECTION This Energetic Driver (ED) is practically interesting from a life issues perspective. It is about expressing oneself and generating a state of ‘Get up and Go,’ or, more appropriately, ‘Get up and Live.’ Muscle Driver, in the conventional […]

Can Bioenergetics Cure Your Disease?

Can Bioenergetics Cure Your Disease.

When first exploring what our bioenergetic therapies are all about, we often have clients asking us how it can help them with specific diseases. Obviously as health professionals we do see people with a variety of medical conditions, and they want to know that we can help them. And yes, using the NES system, our […]

How Does a Body-Field Scan Work?

How Does a Body-Field Scan Work.

The NES System is an advanced software program that provides a way to peek into the bioenergetic and informational recesses of your body-field to see what is going on. It’s a snapshot that allows you to accurately assess the correlations between your body-field and your physical and emotional states at a particular moment in time. […]

Are Microbes Solely to Blame for Your Health?

Are Microbes Solely to Blame for Your Health.

Pasteur wasn’t 100% right – the truth is your immune system’s health isn’t 100% dependent on what you come into contact with. Throughout 2020 and 2021, we were hammered with the idea that a virus was the cause of many of the world’s woes. The virus was the problem, and if we could only kill […]

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