Emotions are a key consideration in health and in helping your body’s healing to make progress. Let’s consider why for a moment, then we look at 5 ways to support emotional health in order to drive better overall health outcomes. We know that everything we perceive as physical — including our bodies — is made […]
When first exploring what our bioenergetic therapies are all about, we often have clients asking us how it can help them with specific diseases. Obviously as health professionals we do see people with a variety of medical conditions and they want to know that we can help them. And yes, using the NES system and […]
The NES System is an advanced software program that provides a way to peek into the bioenergetic and informational recesses of your body-field to see what is going on. It’s a snapshot that allows you to accurately assess the correlations between your body-field and your physical and emotional states at a particular moment in time. […]
Pasteur wasn’t 100% right – the truth is your immune system’s health isn’t 100% dependent on what you come into contact with. Throughout 2020 and 2021, we were hammered with the idea that a virus was the cause of many of the world’s woes. The virus was the problem, and if we could only kill […]
Most of us have probably had someone remind us to “get plenty of water”. “Make sure you’re drinking 6-8 glasses of water every day.” Or, the more specific, “drink half your body weight in ounces of water.” Whatever the amount of water, natural health advocates almost universally advise you to drink plenty of it. Scientists […]
If you just read PEMF (Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field) and instantly dismissed it as being anything good, you’d hardly be the first. After all, EMF makes up 75% of the acronym and the dangers of EMFs are well-documented. So it’s understandable if you think PEMF might be similarly bad. But that’s a bad assumption. In fact, […]
Find out about the #1 piece of equipment you NEED and how to use the miHealth to help relieve pain. We’re starting into our spring months now. The days are getting longer and warmer. Along with that comes the motivation (and an end to the excuses of it being too cold) to want to go […]
Discover 3 different ways to help your immune system AND how to support it where it all starts. Immune System Support Beyond Your Plate You hear it constantly: “The best way to support your immune system is by eating a colorful diet.” This is true. But, it is far from the only effort you should […]
We are at the frontiers of biology and physics with NES’ theory of the human body-field, and we find many others with valid and intriguing ideas keeping us company. One such person is American astrophysicist Milo Wolff. His space resonance theory, which is also called the wave structure of matter theory, supports NES’ theory very […]
Get ready to charge your body’s batteries and regain your energy. Before we get to the NES Energetic Driver Infoceuticals, you need to understand what they’re attempting to correct. This will ultimately explain how you’re able to benefit from them. The Energetic Drivers (EDs) are fields that generate power for the body-field and the physical body. […]
What’s imprinting and how is it done with NES Infoceuticals? With imprinting, as with anything difficult to understand, it’s important to start at the beginning. First, you must consider phonons, which are quantum-level waves of sound, not to be confused with photons (waves of light). Though, phonons are just as important as photons in terms […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED PARTIALLY BY LA SCHOOL OF HOMEOPATHY As more people are getting vaccinated we are getting to see more side effects. Here are some suggestions for homeopathic remedies that can help with side effects and reactions triggered by the COVID vaccines. If the side effects persist beyond the suggestions please contact your homeopath. […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED ORIGINALLY BY KATE RAINES ON NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER A new study by plant biologists at North Carolina State University in Raleigh has found that chemical compounds in certain foods including muscadine grapes, green tea, cacao powder and dark chocolate can bind to an enzyme, or protease, present in the SARS-CoV-2 virus, […]
The Real Root of Health In terms of the body-field and body, all its structures, has its own frequency. Frequencies are real and you can add, subtract, resonate, and even measure them. This can be done to human tissues or the data sets that we use to represent the tissues. NES uses the frequency model […]
Bringing Ancient Wisdom to the Quantum Realm Many ancient cultures on every continent recognized an energy field within and around the body, described, for example, as the aura, halos, chakras, meridians, chi, the life force and so on. Largely, these get treated as curiosities and not “real”. But that’s starting to change… Science Shows […]
“What is love?” It’s asked often and remains one of the great philosophical questions. The definition of love becomes all the more pressing in February with the advent of Valentine’s Day. It’s a lot to ponder — what love is, whether you love someone or not, how to love more, even how to show you […]
When people first look at an Infoceutical label, it’s common to wonder at its simplicity. How can something on the frontier of science and health look so mundane? Infoceuticals are much more than what you see on the label as you’ll find while reading this article about Infoceutical ingredients. How Infoceuticals work is tightly wrapped in […]
As coronavirus deaths are climbing past 440,000 in the United States, so are the numbers of people that find themselves with long-term issues COVID has left them with, also referred to as “post-acute COVID 19 syndrome.” The symptoms can be severe even months after a person has technically recovered from the disease. People have long-term […]
Body-Field Scan Ready to find out what’s impacting your energy levels by using our bioenergetic scanning technology. Check out your body’s energy with a Body-Field scan, and gain deeper insight into your holographic self with our certified Bioenergetic Practitioner. For an In-Clinic visit click here, or, for a Telehealth (remote) session click here. […]
When dealing with the bioenergetic correlates of disease, the first process is to address the emotional “oscillators”, which can be thought of as information “flows” that can eventually affect four key organelles of the cell. An emotion is also an energetic structure that forms a standing wave at the quantum physics level. It can come […]
We must always look at how the energy of the body is set up in the first place, and cavities provide the mechanism. Cavity physics is the study of energy in enclosed spaces as these spaces can amplify and do other interesting things to energy. It was the study of what is called black-body radiation […]
We did it again! Two years in a row. I’m humbled and excited about the recognition we receive for the work we do here at Juneva Health. I also want to express my gratitude, especially for the trust and support we’ve received from all our clients in allowing us to become a part of their […]
New Year’s resolutions can be disheartening as we often pick those resolutions we already know we probably won’t be able to keep. Most people suffer a great deal to reach that “peak moment” before things go downhill again. Like reaching that ideal weight, figure, or fitness after weeks at the gym (if you even get […]
This is the perfect season to share with you more information about NES’ Peace Infoceutical. Peace is a complex formula that blends some of NES’ most important Infoceuticals and, of course, promotes something deeply needed in our world today: peace, an essential element to healing. Curiously, Peace was developed in a way you might not expect. It’s […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED ORIGINALLY BY MACKENZIE SIGALOS ON CNBC. If you experience severe side effects after getting a Covid vaccine, lawyers tell CNBC there is basically no one to blame in a U.S. court of law. The federal government has granted companies like Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines. “It is very rare […]