I study the effects of exercise on the body. So it’s perhaps unsurprising that when I’m not in the lab, I like to keep active by hitting the gym or going for a run. But for many people it’s much harder to get out and move their bodies. Modern life doesn’t always make it easy […]
Arthritis is one of the most widespread health conditions in the United States. It affects about one in four adults overall. That’s over 54 million men and women. Arthritis affects working-age adults, older adults, and even children. The number of adults who live in rural or urban areas and are affected by arthritis is the […]
The NES miHealth device is designed to support the body-field …in directing efficient and accurate activity of the body. In this way, we can support the body’s everyday health! When it comes to supporting your health, results are the most important. Fast results, especially right now, are even better. That’s why you’ll love to know […]
Emotions are a key consideration in health and in helping your body’s healing to make progress. Let’s consider why for a moment, then we look at 5 ways to support emotional health in order to drive better overall health outcomes. We know that everything we perceive as physical — including our bodies — is made […]
A report from a coalition of U.S. environmental advocacy groups has warned of the health risks of PVC plastic and urged public officials against using the material in community drinking water pipes. PVC is made with vinyl chloride, the same hazardous material released in the fiery train derailment that triggered a public health and environmental […]
When first exploring what our bioenergetic therapies are all about, we often have clients asking us how it can help them with specific diseases. Obviously as health professionals we do see people with a variety of medical conditions, and they want to know that we can help them. And yes, using the NES system, our […]
The NES System is an advanced software program that provides a way to peek into the bioenergetic and informational recesses of your body-field to see what is going on. It’s a snapshot that allows you to accurately assess the correlations between your body-field and your physical and emotional states at a particular moment in time. […]
Pasteur wasn’t 100% right – the truth is your immune system’s health isn’t 100% dependent on what you come into contact with. Throughout 2020 and 2021, we were hammered with the idea that a virus was the cause of many of the world’s woes. The virus was the problem, and if we could only kill […]
Most of us have probably had someone remind us to “get plenty of water”. “Make sure you’re drinking 6-8 glasses of water every day.” Or, even more specific, “drink half your body weight in ounces of water.” Whatever the amount of water, natural health advocates almost universally advise you to drink plenty of it. Scientists […]
When dealing with the bioenergetic correlates of disease, the first process is to address the emotional oscillators. As a reminder, in NES theory, emotional oscillators can be thought of as information flows that eventually can affect four key organelles of the cell. An emotion is also an energetic structure that forms a standing wave (scalar […]
In terms of the body-field and body, all its structures, has its own frequency. Frequencies are real and you can add, subtract, resonate, and even measure them. This can be done to human tissues or the data sets that we use to represent the tissues. NES Health uses the frequency model in relation to the […]
We are at the frontiers of biology and physics with NES’ theory of the human body-field, and we find many others with valid and intriguing ideas keeping us company. One such person is American astrophysicist Milo Wolff. His space resonance theory, which is also called the wave structure of matter theory, supports NES’ theory very […]
You might see EMF hidden in PEMF and instantly think nothing good can come from PEMF, but that’s wrong! After all, EMF makes up 75% of the acronym and the dangers of EMFs are well-documented. So it’s understandable if you think PEMF might be similarly bad. But that’s a bad assumption. Magnetic Forces Throughout […]
No matter how much we love our significant other or people around us, there will likely be times throughout the year when we are not on the same wavelength. The way we react to distress in our relationships is driven by our energetic stress style [1]. The term energetic stress style is used to reflect […]
Modern medicine uses biochemistry as the science of healing, but research is uncovering that Bioenergetics, an exciting, emerging area of 21st century medicine is a more effective, life-sustaining approach that heals all living systems. Our body is made up of 70-100 trillion cells, and these cells perform thousands of biochemical functions every day. But what […]
Toxic relationships are all too common. 84% of women and 75% of men report having a toxic partner or friend at some point. Every minute, approximately 20 people are the victims of physical abuse by an intimate partner in the United States. On average, husbands or boyfriends are responsible for the murders of more than three women each day. Every month, the National […]
Since 2007, scientists at the National Institute of Health (NIH) Human Microbiome Project have been honing in on the phenomenon of bacteria hosted in the human body. In 2008, the European Commission and China created the Metagenomics of the Human Intestinal Tract Project (MetaHIT) to join this study. For centuries, scientists have recognized a limited […]
“The body is so intelligent, and it’s designed to heal and repair itself at every moment.” ~ Kelly Noonan Gores, producer of HEAL documentary ‘HEAL’ takes us on a scientific and spiritual journey where we discover that our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions have a huge impact on our health and ability to heal. The latest science […]
The sun provides a source of energy across the full electromagnetic spectrum. But how much sunlight is good – and where do we draw the line when it comes to our health? Much of the sun’s radiation is handled by the earth’s atmosphere and electromagnetic shield. The sunlight that reaches the earth includes infrared (IR) […]
A heartfelt message to all of us. How to get through Life… Sleep as much as you can… Read books that you enjoy… Play with simple things… Do whatever you want — whenever you want… Look for affection when you need it… Get serious […]
As Nikola Tesla stated more than a century ago If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration? In terms of the human body-field and body, all its structures, have its own frequency. Frequencies are real and you can add, subtract, resonate, and even measure them. This can be done to human tissues or the data sets that we […]
“What is love?” It’s asked often and remains one of the great philosophical questions. The definition of love becomes all the more pressing in February with the advent of Valentine’s Day. It’s a lot to ponder — what love is, whether you love someone or not, how to love more, even how to show you […]
If you take a look at any two bottles of Infoceuticals, you might find yourself confused. Aside from the name on the front, the labels look identical. It’s something you don’t see often. Even when you compare two different bottles of vitamin C, the amounts of the immune-supporting vitamin are likely to be different. Why […]
When dealing with the bioenergetic correlates of disease, the first process is to address the emotional “oscillators”, which can be thought of as information “flows” that can eventually affect four key organelles of the cell. An emotion is also an energetic structure that forms a standing wave at the quantum physics level. It can come […]
We must always look at how the energy of the body is set up in the first place, and cavities provide the mechanism. Cavity physics is the study of energy in enclosed spaces as these spaces can amplify and do other interesting things to energy. It was the study of what is called black-body radiation […]