AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg is the first specialist to understand the current crisis about the coronavirus. The video is not intended to drive people to not obey the current rules and recommendations of their government, but allow different points of view and an open discussion to help […]
Right now we are receiving lots of requests for information about using our bioenergetic approach with the NES system to help improve people’s immune system. In order to get the latest information, you don’t want to miss watching this webinar with, Harry Massey, NES Health Co-Founder, and his team sharing their viewpoints and wisdom on […]
Cough, cough, sneeze! We’ve been hearing a lot of this right now, as the coronavirus situation and the cold and flu season in general grabs a hold. The media prescribes all kinds of medications to suppress the cold & flu symptoms, but by using the NES-based bioenergetic approach, protecting yourself from getting sick is much […]
BIOENERGETIC COOKING WITH KIMBERLY KNOX Bison really leads the herd when it comes to brain healthy Omega-3 Fatty Acids a huge benefit of eating grass-fed meat. It is an amazing, lean source of protein, and B Vitamins like B12 important for the protection of brain neurons. Making this meal a great support for Energetic Integrator […]
According to the American Heart Association’s 2015 statistics, heart disease remains the leading global cause of death. For the United States, this ranking reportedly has held since 1921. While actual death rates due to cardiovascular disease have been declining for many years, current estimates suggest that over 85 million people in the U.S. are living […]
A person who is chronically stuck in a low emotional state (also known as an “incoherent” state), such as anger, fear, or depression, will be sending that message out to people around them all the time. Consequently, this will affect the other person’s emotional and mental state, bringing them down as well. When someone is […]
Whether the pressure comes from peers, teachers, parents or themselves, examination stress can be all consuming for some young people. Most of the time children are resilient, adaptable and pretty laid back about life changes and being put on the spot, but some have a shadow hanging over them as exams creep up. Some get […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. Every year, millions of people receive vaccines. These vaccinations are designed to keep people healthy. But sometimes things go wrong, and when that happens patients can only seek recourse at what’s known as Vaccine Court — a government program run by the Department of Health that […]
The world is in “panic mode” due to the new Coronavirus, but homeopaths and bioenergetic health professionals are not nearly as concerned about it… and for good reasons. But first let’s talk about the Coronavirus. What is Coronavirus? Coronavirus is another virus that infects the respiratory tract of humans. In addition, it also affects dogs, […]
When dealing with the bioenergetic correlates of disease, the first process is to address the emotional “oscillators”, which can be thought of as information “flows” that can eventually affect four key organelles of the cell. An emotion is also an energetic structure that forms a standing wave at the quantum physics level. It can come […]
Valentine’s Day is almost here and often brings up feelings we have about love: How it is given and received in our relationships. How it is either lacking or abundant in our lives. How it even looks, smells, and tastes, as we’re bombarded with the commercial manifestation of Valentine’s Day: pinks and reds, chocolate hearts, […]
Happy 2020! It’s an exciting year (and new decade) ahead and I am really keen to see what the year will bring. Creating health is NOT an outside in job; it’s just the opposite — it’s an inside out shift. The same is true of resolutions! Attention will follow intention so making lifestyle changes and […]
BIOENERGETIC COOKING WITH KIMBERLY KNOX This healthy take on the hearty Sweet Potato Casserole is an excellent dish for the winter season. Naturally sweet and creamy with a crunchy toasted topping, this pleasing recipe is a healthy twist on the traditional sweet potato casserole and does wonders for the spleen. Making this meal excellent for […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. Those tiny miracles, God’s most precious gift to us. We hold them in wonder just moments after they’re born. We love them in a way we never thought we could love anyone. And they love and trust us in a way that no one else ever […]
New Year’s resolutions can be disheartening as we often pick those resolutions we already know we probably won’t be able to keep. Most people suffer a great deal to reach that “peak moment” before things go downhill again. Like reaching that ideal weight, figure, or fitness after weeks at the gym (if you even get […]
Throughout the holiday season, we are surrounded by stars of various shapes and sizes; while they serve as festive decorations, stars are generally symbols of hope and direction—lights that shine through darkness to show us the way and help us to stay on track. One of the best-known stars is the North Star, Polaris; it’s […]
BIOENERGETIC COOKING WITH KIMBERLY KNOX Try out this delicious fall-inspired recipe that will have everyone loving every bite! Acorn Squash is an excellent nutrient-dense harvest vegetable with important B vitamins, boosting the immune system and nourishing blood, while supporting the spleen. Making this meal excellent for Energetic Integrator (EI) 12: Shock/Spleen Meridian. Maple & Ginger […]
With the winter holidays coming our way, we would like to ensure you are aware of our office schedules during the months of December and January. Our office will close for the winter holidays from Monday, December 23 through Friday, January 3. The office will reopen for normal business hours on Monday, January 6, 2020. […]
As we are entering another holiday season it is so easy to get into the habit of automatic “giving.” We create our shopping lists, brainstorm for the perfect gifts, and are so focused on “giving” gifts. We often experience stress during the holidays trying to navigating everyone’s expectations for where we should be “giving” our […]
If you are dealing with chronic, even complex and possibly long-term health issues, would like to optimize your energy and performance, or are seeking a natural and effective approach to prevent serious health issues before they even occur, you have come to the right place at the right time. Imagine a life without your limiting […]
Just in time for the holidays and for seasonal wellness, we are offering an alternative to family discord, carbohydrate overload, exhaustion, and cold/flu medications without the side effects. In fact we can offer side benefits! Holiday Survival Infoceutical Set This is the perfect set for people getting together with family for a big holiday meal […]
Exhausted? Not feeling well? Is low energy robbing you of the activities you once loved, or keeping you from sharing important experiences with loved ones? Sadly when you feel this bad, even life’s beautiful moments lose their luster. And it can be hard to feel life’s meaning or purpose. But the good news is … […]
When you look in the mirror, you see a body that looks very physical. Very solid. Something that looks like bits and pieces put together. And when looking for health solutions, these “bits and pieces” are usually what medicine and nutrition deal with. They offer solutions based in chemistry. But when you look deeper, we’re […]
AN ARTICLE PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER. A student with a severe health condition is not allowed to go to school because of the state’s vaccination rules. Now, the student has cerebral palsy. His father tells 7 Eyewitness News reporter Taylor Epps that the student’s rights are being taken away, even though doctors […]
How We Assess The Body-Field? Essentially, we run over 400+ different matching tests upon your Human Body-Field (HBF). But first, what really is a Human Body-Field? By the Human Body-Field, we are referring to all of the QED (Quantum ElectroDynamic) fields that are related to every particle that makes up your body. But what does […]