
  • Marc Girardot

    Marc is the father of 4 children. He holds an MBA from INSEAD, as well as MS. in Economics and Business from ESSEC. He has deep experience in innovation and complex systems, working for Cisco, Booz Allen and Air Liquide. A seasoned strategy consultant trained in the scientific method with experience in Automotive, Biotech and Energy, Marc is a regular lecturer and keynote speaker at leading business schools and corporations. In recent years, Marc has supported a promising anti-cancer DNA vaccine company. On Covid-19, Marc has written a number of articles highlighting the interactions of population density, cross-immunity and mortality. Marc aims to help contribute to a more balanced science-based perspective on COVID-19, to mitigate the harm done by fearful policies.

Should People Who Have Recovered from COVID Take a Vaccine?

Should people who have recovered from COVID take a vaccine.

Opinion | Epidemiology[1], immunology[2] and the clinical data[3] all say a clear “No!” There is no good reason to vaccinate the recovered. A British friend, recovered from COVID, decided to get vaccinated despite being naturally immune. This is the email he recently sent me: Marc I suffered a mild stroke on Wednesday 8 days after taking […]

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