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  • Kevin Passero

    Dr. Passero received his naturopathic training at one of only four nationally accredited Naturopathic Medical schools in the country. He strives to create an approach to health that uses the most up to date scientific information regarding nutrition and herbal therapy to stimulate the natural healing process within each person's body. Careful attention is placed on identifying the specific factors that contributed to a person's illness and a roadmap is designed using the best of alternative and conventional medicine to help the person reverse those factors and restore optimal health. In his practice, Dr. Passero focuses on resorting harmony to both the body and mind using advanced protocols that incorporate herbal therapy, homeopathy, vitamin therapy and nutritional programs. Through education and guidance patients are able to unlock the natural healing power contained within each one of us. Dr. Passero currently serves as the President of the Maryland Association of Naturpathic Physicians and is the host of a popular local radio show focused on health and wellness.

The Best Way to Reduce Inflammation Naturally

The Best Way to Reduce Inflammation Naturally.

Whether you’re struggling with joint or back pain, worried about your heart health, or simply wondering where your energy went, you’re probably aware that inflammation might be a factor. Almost every common health condition we face today—from everyday aches and pains, digestive troubles and skin flare-ups to serious cardiovascular issues and cognitive decline—has roots in […]

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