The Future of Wellness is Here!
When you look in the mirror, you see a body that looks very physical. Very solid. Something that looks like bits and pieces put together. And when looking for health solutions, these “bits and pieces” are usually what medicine and nutrition deal with. They offer solutions based in chemistry.
But when you look deeper, we’re completely made of energy. The movement of this energy is what determines how everything in the body comes together and how everything works. It is the foundation of chemistry. If there are problems in the flow of energy, then chemistry breaks down and we become sick and tired.
Restore the body's energy fields (we call it "body-field" as a whole) and you’re restoring the underlying control system of everything. Of your organs and systems right down to your cells and DNA. This control system runs on resonant communication, which can get distorted by toxins, pathogens, and even emotional stress and traumas. These need to be resolved and communication restored, and this is done by bringing the correct resonance (or what we call “information”) back into the body-field.
How is that possible? Through the miracle of NES Infoceuticals:
The simple but overlooked health solution.
Following decades of research, NES discovered a solution that is incredibly simple for you to use and benefit from! Because of the way water structures itself in the body (becoming something like a gel), it can literally take shape under the influence of information or resonance, becoming the carrier of information for the rest of your body!
NES spent years intensely researching the information needed to restore every nook and cranny of the human body-field.
Infoceuticals are imprinted with information to help restore coherence where it’s needed. They use resonance – the ability for a strong signal to bring a similar signal into alignment with it – to restore integrity to the body-field and support the body’s ability to correct itself.
If an aspect of the body-field has been distorted from this ideal, it can effectively latch onto the information in the remedy and return to a more optimal state, boosting body-field coherence. As coherence is restored, the body-field can more effectively control the chemistry of the body and seek to restore health.