Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is on the rise and becoming an ever-present issue for our health and well-being in modern society as we know it. EMR is given off in waves and is completely undetectable to our senses. It is an invisible threat to our bodies and those are often the most dangerous kind. You probably didn’t know there is computer EMR being emitted from your screen right now.
Our environments we live, work and raise our children in have become completely flooded with extremely high amounts of EMR, and its effects are becoming apparent in people that have been over-exposed to these harmful and constant waves given off not just by our cell phones, but literally by all our modern electrical equipment, appliances and devices. Many people are unaware that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are emitted by household appliances like hairdryers, vacuum cleaners, compact fluorescent light bulbs, wifi router, electrical cables and microwaves, to name a few.
Simply stated - if you have electricity, use a computer, drive a car or simply walk down a street that has power lines above it, you are being exposed to EMF or electromagnetic frequency waves.
While most people would agree that cell phone and computer radiation protection should be a priority, very few people pay attention to other EMF producers that have dramatically increased in numbers over the last decade or so, such as communication towers, power lines and power stations installed in North America and in other parts of the world.

All of these new EMF producers only further the EMF pollution that assaults our bodies on a daily basis. These waves can effect our bodies in a way that can easily go unnoticed, and often people believe stress causes their health issues, but in many cases, EMFs are the underlying culprit.
A number of well-respected, independent, studies around the globe found that exposure to high amounts of EMR can be detrimental to the human body and our health. EMR is a type of radio-frequency that heats up our body’s cells, causing distress and potentially damaging them.
EMR has been known to cause several different ailments in the body, including, but not limited to: nausea, dizziness, insomnia, fatigue, neurosis, headaches, increased stress levels, and in some cases, brain cancer.

We are exposed to a great deal of EMR every day and we need to take protective measures. We need cell phone radiation protection just like we need to protect ourselves from all electromagnetic radiation. Taking steps to reduce our EMR exposure are essential to a healthy life!
While there really is no way to completely remove the waves from your home or workplace, you can greatly lessen them with EMF protectors or so called EMF neutralizer. An EMF neutralizer is something that reduces the effects of these dangerous EMF waves. It essentially harmonizes the constant interaction of external electromagnetic fields with the body’s own baseline radiation, bringing their parameters into alignment, and thereby stabilizing the body’s functional state. This new technology not only transforms the electromagnetic field around the electronic device and matches it to that of a human, but eliminates the need for the body to waste further effort fighting the effects of EMR.
Aires Technologies is one of the most trusted names in the EMF protection and cell phone radiation protection industry and offers the best EMF neutralizers and EMF protection products out there. They offer innovation and cutting edge EMF shields, radiation shields and many other EMF protectors. Their research and development of technologies surrounding fractal diffraction lattices or FDL have been nothing short of ground-breaking. The company’s primary focus is on developing technologies that minimize the harmful effects of and control the electromagnetic fields that surround most modern electronic devices.
If you want the highest quality EMF neutralizer and EMF protection, you want Aires!

You can protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation with amazing products like the Aires Shield Extreme or Aires Black Crystal, specifically designed to reduce the harmful EMR waves emitted from your cell phone and other electrical devices to a more coherent state, rendering them close to harmless. Or, the innovative Aires Defender Infinity and Aires Defender Automotive that take personal EMR protection to a whole new level. You will not find better electromagnetic radiation protection than offered by Aires Technologies.
Take your health seriously. Shield your brain and the rest of your body with the Aires protection devices.
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