Are Toxic Relationships Harming Your Health?

Are Toxic Relationships Harming Your Health?

Relationships are meant to nurture, support, and elevate our overall well‐being. Unfortunately, not every relationship offers positive energy. In some cases, patterns emerge that are harmful to our emotional, mental, and physical health.

Toxic relationships are alarmingly prevalent, with 84% of women and 75% of men reporting experiences with a toxic partner or friend at some stage in their lives. In the United States, around 20 individuals become victims of physical abuse by an intimate partner every minute. Disturbingly, more than three women are murdered each day at the hands of their husbands or boyfriends. The National Domestic Violence Hotline receives over 27,000 calls for assistance each month, highlighting the severity of the issue. Annually, over 10 million Americans experience both psychological and physical abuse from those they love and trust the most.

A person trapped in a chronic low emotional state, often characterized by feelings of anger, fear, or depression, unknowingly transmits this negativity to those around them all the time. This pervasive energy can adversely impact others’ emotional and mental well-being, dragging them down as well.


Individuals often find themselves trapped in a persistent incoherent state due to unresolved trauma from their past. In their unconscious struggle, they may seek to uplift their own vibration by draining the "juice" from those around them, essentially stealing life-force energy.


Being aware of the health statistics that connect emotional trauma with chronic disease later in life is crucial. Understanding this link reveals how this behavior can lead to an early death sentence, emphasizing that the act of siphoning others' life-force energy is no trivial matter.

Love and a state of positive emotional well-being constitute essential life-force energy, often proving to be more crucial than nutrition or other health factors.

Molecular biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton once remarked:

"The most important growth-promoting signal in the world today for a human is love. It exceeds nutrition. A child getting love will grow. A child not getting love will be stymied in its growth. For example, in Eastern European orphanages where kids are given a lot of nutrition, but no attention, their growth parameters, their intelligence, their height, every aspect of their development is reduced by 30% or more, most of them becoming autistic."


'Energy Vampires' Are Very Real

Often overlooked, these 'energy vampires' represent one of the most significant environmental influences that drain your energy on a daily basis.

This subtle energy theft frequently goes unnoticed since even the most compassionate medical systems often lack the understanding to recognize and address it.

Once you grasp the concept that every individual possesses a body-field filled with life-force energy and coherent information, which controls the biological functions, the importance of environmental factors impacting this field becomes clear.

Quantum physics teaches us that everything is interconnected, leading to constant information exchange with our surroundings. Thus, spending time near individuals whose energy fields emit negativity or harbor low, incoherent, or destructive emotions can profoundly impact our own energy fields.


Examples of Energy Exchange in Animal and Plant Studies

Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp, a notable German physicist, discovered that all living organisms emit biophotons of light. He observed that fleas and small fish continuously exchange light with one another.

Additionally, he found that bacteria absorb light from their surroundings, while sunflowers instinctively orient themselves to capture the maximum photons from sunlight.

In an intriguing study, Russian scientist Burlakov revealed that when young fish eggs were placed near older ones, the older eggs absorbed light energy from the younger ones, leading to the latter's deterioration.

Are Toxic Relationships Harming Your Health?

Insights from Nearly 30 Years of HeartMath Research

The Institute of HeartMath has conducted extensive research revealing that the heart produces the most powerful electromagnetic field in the human body. Notably, the electrical activity measured through an electrocardiogram (ECG) exhibits an amplitude approximately 60 times greater than that of brain waves recorded by an electroencephalogram (EEG).

Furthermore, HeartMath research indicates that the rhythmic patterns associated with heart rate variability change noticeably in response to different emotional states.

This electromagnetic field can be detected several feet away from the body using magnetometers, demonstrating its expansive influence.

Importantly, the heart’s energy field not only communicates internally with the brain but is also perceptible to others within its range. This can lead to a phenomenon called “entrainment,” where the heart rate variabilities of individuals in close proximity begin to synchronize, thereby aligning their emotional states.

Are Toxic Relationships Harming Your Health?

The Power of Brain Synchronization

Proximity to others influences not only our emotional states and heart rates, but research also demonstrates that our brains can synchronize. This synchronization occurs even in the absence of verbal communication, such as when individuals are separated by a Faraday cage. Surprisingly, we can tune into the thoughts of others through non-electromagnetic communication, which operates via quantum processes.

To experience SuperCharged energy and well-being, it's essential to address and eliminate the energy vampires in your life!

Are Toxic Relationships Harming Your Health?

Energy Vampirism: Once Bitten, You Must Bite Again!

Understanding the phenomenon of energy vampirism is crucial. This occurs when individuals, often unconsciously, feel the urge to draw energy from others. Such behavior typically arises from feelings of depletion linked to emotional traumas experienced in the past, where their own energy was taken away first.

Like a virus, energy vampirism can propagate. When a person, often as a child, has their energy depleted due to traumatic experiences, they may find themselves needing to "feed" off others for sustenance. This cycle can continue unless they receive timely intervention and learn how to reconnect with their inner source of energy.

Are Toxic Relationships Harming Your Health?

Recognizing that you may have been affected by this “energy virus” can be evident through various signs or behaviors, including:

  • Experiencing a lack of clarity, confusion, or “brain-fog”
  • Feeling tired or lethargic
  • Facing self-doubt or issues with confidence
  • Struggling with feelings of shame, guilt, or negativity
  • Having an addiction to winning, competition, or victory
  • Encountering problems with anger management
  • Finding it difficult to express vulnerability or show any signs of weakness
  • Neglect personal needs by prioritizing others
  • Struggle with establishing boundaries, leading to situations of being either a doormat or an abuser
  • Feel compelled to constantly be busy, unable to slow down and relax
  • Experience low self-esteem, always feeling inadequate
  • Lack trust in others, leading to a diminished sense of safety in the world
  • Experience feelings of depression and lack of inspiration
  • Dependent on antidepressants for emotional stability
  • Feel emotionally numb
  • Experience loneliness and isolation
  • Engage in self-loathing and severe self-criticism
  • Struggle with various addictions, including alcoholism, workaholism, and drug use
  • Exhibit compulsive, self-destructive, or controlling behaviors
  • Find it difficult to stop consuming processed and refined foods
  • Crave drama and attention from those around you


How to Protect Yourself Against Energy Vampires

  • Embrace solitude and find joy in spending time alone.
  • Learn how to raise your emotional state and become your own source of balanced energy by healing your emotional trauma. A body-field scan can be the starting point.
  • Gain insight into your life by understanding yourself; recognize your unique traits, strengths, and weaknesses.
  • To heal trauma and build resilience against energy vampires, prioritize a healthy body and energy field. Utilize the insights provided in 'Energy For Life' to revitalize your body-field, physical health, mind, and surroundings.
  • To protect yourself from energy vampires, it is essential to connect with your genuine life purpose. This alignment can serve as a shield.
  • Additionally, practicing meditation and utilizing neurofeedback can promote calm and non-reactive communication.


Benefits of Becoming Resilient Against Energy Vampires

As you begin to heal from emotional trauma and align with your true-life purpose while harmonizing your masculine and feminine energies, your body-field becomes clearer and more fluid. This transformation brings about several significant benefits:

  • Increased Energy!
  • A sense of expansive lightness and joy in your being.
  • Enhanced resilience against others draining your energy, making it challenging for them to affect you.
  • Your body begins to require less sleep as it becomes more energized.
  • As this energy circulates, you may notice an anti-aging effect starting with your face and eyes.
  • Further, body aches and pains fade away, enhancing your overall well-being.
  • You'll find your eating habits evolving naturally; you will need less food while simultaneously craving more nutritious, energizing foods.
  • The efficiency of your body improves, enabling it to better process a variety of foods.
  • As the way energy is processed in your body transforms, weight issues tend to normalize.
  • As mental struggle decreases, you start to FEEL more deeply, processing experiences with less cognitive load.
  • This shift fosters a greater synchronization of your spirit, enhances your instincts, and opens the door to creative solutions.
  • Moreover, it encourages the reintegration of fragmented aspects of the self, leading to a more cohesive identity.
  • Your relationships with loved ones will transform, and this transformation will also affect your physical connection with your partner.
  • Additionally, your body will effectively cleanse itself of toxins, surpassing the benefits of colonics and other detox methods.
  • As a result, you will experience a newfound clarity of mind, becoming sharper and clearer, requiring less energy to process information.
Does Your Health Suffer From Toxic Relationships.

How to Set Healthy Boundaries with Energy Vampires

Suspend Judgment – It's important to acknowledge that we all have moments of being energy drainers ourselves. Given the prevalence of both covert and overt abuse in society today, it’s crucial to suspend judgment of both yourself and others. Be discerning in recognizing when your energy is being depleted.

It’s Not Personal – Understand that energy-draining behaviors often stem from past trauma. Authority figures and parents play a significant role in shaping how individuals relate to themselves and others. Consequently, these behaviors should be viewed as a reflection of personal history, rather than a personal affront.

Boundaries Are Key – Effectively managing interactions with energy vampires hinges on establishing and maintaining clear boundaries to protect yourself. This could involve everything from communicating with the individual, limiting your time spent with them, or even severing ties entirely. The best course of action will vary depending on the circumstances.

Empaths Are at Greater Risk – Those with empathic and sensitive personalities are particularly susceptible to having their energy drained. Their open energy fields make them vulnerable. Consequently, many empaths experience chronic fatigue, often as a result of absorbing the problems of family members and unconsciously attempting to process that trauma through their own bodies. For empaths, prioritizing and monitoring their boundaries is especially critical.

Prepare for the fallout - No matter how skilled you are at maintaining honest and non-judgmental communication, withdrawing your energy from those who drain it can lead to a certain level of disruption, especially in close or long-term relationships. Understand that energy stealers typically won’t respond positively to your boundaries; after all, you have been a source of sustenance for them. However, you may be surprised to see them quickly seek out another source of energy when you assert yourself.

Communicate compassionately but firmly - Engaging in dialogue with energy vampires about their draining behavior can be challenging. Often, the act of energy theft occurs at a non-verbal, energetic level, leaving those who perpetrate it entirely unaware of their actions. The underlying issue typically stems from trauma, which is not easily resolved through verbal communication alone. Instead, it necessitates a deeper exploration of consciousness and personal growth.


Body-Field Scan

Ready to find out what's impacting your energy levels by using our bioenergetic scanning technology. Check out your body’s energy with a Body-Field scan and gain deeper insight into your holographic self with our certified Bioenergetic Practitioner. For an In-Clinic visit click here, or, for a Telehealth (remote) session click here.

We offer a completely new, alternative and bioenergetic healthcare approach based on 21st century science, technology and quantum physics with personalized, holistic therapy solutions such as, our unique BioScalar Infusion℠ therapy, Bioenergetic body-field scan technology, miHealth biofeedback, PEMFRife and Vibroacoustic (VAT) therapies that can restore optimal health and well-being throughout the body, mind and spirit in the most natural way. Let us help you restore your health and energy!



  • Wolfgang Scheinhart

    Founder and visionary behind Juneva Health with a personal drive and passion to help clients around the world to better manage and restore optimal health throughout their body in the most natural and supportive way. He takes a personal approach to health care, getting to know clients and connecting on an emotional level to fully understand their individual health situation. Wolfgang strongly believes that people should be in charge of their own health and wants to bring this new 'information (bioenergetic) medicine' system to wider public awareness. He's a certified bioenergetic and homeopathic practitioner who graduated from the Los Angeles School of Homeopathy and holds an engineering and business degree.

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