Tips for Eating Healthy While Traveling or On the Go:
Eating at restaurants is considered one of the true joys of life. Whether it’s to enjoy new, exotic flavors during vacation or simply a trip to an eatery down the road to save you the stress of cooking one night, dining out is always fun.
But all this fun can turn into digestive distress and pain if you decide to neglect your Blood Type Diet program when you dine out. Why turn a great experience into a negative one? While many people believe that eating on the go is something that will inherently be problematic for their diet, there are a few simple, straightforward tips that can keep you compliant no matter where you are!
Diet Travel Tip #1: Think before you pick a place
Most modern restaurants let you see the menu online before ever leaving your house. Take a look to see what will work best. If this isn’t an option, just use your common sense! Places that specialize in unhealthy foods like burgers and fries are probably best avoided even if they offer a few other options.
Diet Travel Tip #2: Know the best proteins for your type
Proteins are the building blocks of a meal. If you know the ones that best suit you, it will be easy to find a meal that will be good for your diet. Below is a list of common beneficial proteins for each type.

Diet Travel Tip #3: Take your knowledge on the road
While knowing the main proteins for your type is simple enough to remember, all the vegetables and sides that can pair with your meal can be trickier to remember. Download the Blood Type Diet App (iPhone or Android) so you can check values on the fly. Don’t let forgetfulness harm your efforts!
Diet Travel Tip #4: Ask for substitutions
Most restaurants are more than happy to swap one ingredient for another, especially when side dishes and vegetables are concerned. Don’t be afraid to ask your server about omitting or substituting certain ingredients if you find a perfect dish for you that is marred by one ingredient.
Diet Travel Tip #5: Watch those portions
Some restaurants have a habit of piling your plate with several meals worth of food. While the value factor of these locations is quite nice, the same can’t be said for the effect it will have on your stomach. Pace yourself and portion out the dish when it arrives, eating only the proper amount and saving the rest to take home. Leftovers are never a bad thing.
When All Else Fails, Turn to Deflect Lectin Blocker
We have all been there. You tried to pick a healthy place. You substituted and selected as best you could. But there’s still avoids on your plate. In these regrettable situations, you can save your gut distress by popping the right Deflect for your type [ O | A | B | AB ]. It will combat the harmful lectins you ingest to make the effects of a bad decision weigh less on your health.
Bonus Tip: Iced teas
Green tea is an antioxidant-packed healthy beverage you can drink year round. You are doing yourself a disservice if you limit yourself to only hot tea, which can be difficult to drink on steamy days. A more refreshing alternative, iced blends are easy to brew and refreshing to enjoy. Below are simple brewing instructions for iced tea. Add your favorite compliant fruits for some delicious flavor combinations.

- 8 oz of water
- 2 heaping teaspoons of Sip Right 4 Your Type Tea [ O | A | B | AB ]
- Tea strainer or filters
- 2 cups of ice
- Fresh lemon slice (Optional)
- Boil 8 oz of water to a temperature of approximately 180℉
- Put two rounded teaspoons of Sip Right 4 Your Type Tea (specific to your blood type) in a tea strainer or filter and brew it for two minutes
- Remove the tea leaves from the hot water and allow the tea to cool to room temperature
- Fill a cup with ice and pour the tea in
- Serve cold with a lemon slice