Emotions are a key consideration in health and in helping your body's healing to make progress. Let's consider why for a moment, then we look at 5 ways to support emotional health in order to drive better overall health outcomes.
We know that everything we perceive as physical -- including our bodies -- is made of energy.
Every energy particle produces a spherical standing wave that represents its frequency.
Think of this as ripples on a pond but going out in all directions. As energy comes together to produce organelles and cells in our bodies, countless energy spheres interact and, when they are in harmony, the body is healthy. Communication is good and energy is used properly and efficiently.
Anything introduced into the body that disrupts this natural harmony can cause health issues, and this includes emotions, which interact with the body-field and produce their own standing waves. Their own energy spheres. In other words, they can affect us just as "physical" things can.
Some emotions support harmony in the body and therefore feel good to us; others disrupt the harmony and feel bad to us. Both are valuable as a tool for understanding the world around us, but the body isn't designed to continually deal with disruptions, just as it's not designed to continually deal with toxic air, food, or water.
If a disruptive emotion isn't fully processed -- as in the case of ongoing stress or traumatic events -- then it continues to reside in the body-field as a disrupting energy sphere, or what we call an "emotional oscillator." This breaks down communication and energy efficiency in the body, which is why emotions are connected with so many health problems including exhaustion.
It takes a lot more energy to do things when emotions go unresolved!
So, what do we do for our clients who are struggling with emotional events? There are both bioenergetic and physical ways to address such problems. Here are 5 ways we use to approach emotional health with our clients for better outcomes:
1. Raise Energy Levels

Since emotional oscillators deplete energy more rapidly, an easy quick win is to raise energy levels. This doesn't address the underlying problem of inefficiency but can help a client feel better and have the energy to take further steps in getting well.
We commonly think of food as our energy source, and indeed healthier eating choices can help to boost our energy. But exercise -- even if it just means getting up and walking more than we're already doing -- boosts our energy and is known to make us feel better as well.
Sunlight (photons in particular), also energizes us, in part by creating a battery effect from the water inside us (by increasing positive and negative charge separation). So it's good to get into the sunshine for at least 15 minutes a day (without overdoing exposure). Daytime light also improves the mood.
Of course, the body also produces "Source" energy from its interaction with the environment - the zero point energy field, which is all around us.
This may in part be from the battery effect of water, but also relates to the tuning of cavities in the body -- which includes every cell, the microtubules within cells, large spaces like our lungs and abdomen, and so on. The "ED-1 Source Driver" and "Day" Infoceutical support the body with this process.
Other useful Infoceuticals like ED-3 Cell Driver (bioenergetically supporting the mitochondria and their production of ATP), ED-7 Lung Driver (supporting oxygenation of the body), ED-12 Kidney Driver (supporting adrenal function), and others designed to support the "triple cavities" (ES-4 Triply Cavity Star) of the body.
There is also a "Feel Good" Infoceutical called "Energy," which actually combines 2 of the Infoceuticals above (ED-1 Source Driver and ES-4 Triply Cavity Star). "Feel Goods" are designed for use with or without a scan, so they can be used to support a client at any time.
2. Reduce Stress, Improve Absorption

A better diet won't help raise energy levels as much as it should if someone's struggling to absorb nutrients. And emotional oscillators can lead to malabsorption. This is why the Infoceutical called ESR (Emotional Stress Release) is commonly used to support absorption. (This is another Feel Good Infoceutical that one can use at any time.)
We also look at other areas of the body-field for needed support, including fields of the small intestine, the lining of the digestive tract, etc.
At least in the short-term, clients can take additional supplementation (under appropriate guidance) and specific food items to help reach minimal nutrient levels until absorption issues are addressed. Digestive enzymes and pre-/probiotics may assist.
To actually address this possible cause of malabsorption, a client can look at ways to reduce stress in their lives. They can begin a habit of meditation (even if it's just listening to calming music in a stress-free environment). They can work their way out of too many commitments or unhealthy situations. And when it comes to eating, they can simply find a calm environment, calm themselves before eating, and chew their food more thoroughly.
2a. Don't Forget Geopathic Stress (Bonus Item)

Another area to consider is geopathic stress -- sometimes the body is stressed by its physical environment because of the way natural and unnatural features (caverns, waterways, faults, electrical systems, missing or faulty grounding, EMF etc.) may break up the fields of the Earth and cause disruptions for the individual. Moving to a new location may help, but of course isn't always practical, so we look at scan priorities in general to understand where the body-field needs help. However, the following are areas of the body-field that are especially related to this issue:
* BFA (especially the Vertical & Equatorial Axis)
* Polarity -- affected by air travel and geopathic stress
* ED-3 (Cell Driver)
* ED-11 (Liver Driver) and EI-8 (Microbes / Liver Driver) -- the liver appears to be particularly vulnerable to the effects of geopathic stress and electromagnetic fields (e-smog)
* EI-5 (Lymphatics / Bladder Integrator) and EI-12 (Shock / Spleen Integrator) -- both affected by geopathic stress
3. Support the Body's Spleen Driver

The ED-14 (Spleen Driver) (part of the overall body-field) is an important one because it is linked to our long-term memories, and in this way is linked to emotional oscillators as well.
Long-term memories that are charged with emotions can become overly dynamic and oscillate, turning into obsessions and contributing detrimentally to behavior.
In traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen is associated with emotional memory, and one sign of distortion in this field may be a craving for sweet foods. The dietary corrective is to introduce salty foods, especially in a highly mineralized form, like barley grass. In some circles of traditional Chinese medicine, beetroot juice also is said to help the spleen field.
However, the concept of “spleen” in our more modern view includes the part of the pancreas that makes enzymes, so when the pancreas field is damaged by emotional oscillators (and this happens a great deal), then it can be useful to help digestion by taking digestive enzymes and pre-/probiotics. Alkalization is considered by many to assist the body when it is very, very ill, so again, barley grass may help here, as may fresh green vegetable juices.
4. Clear the Emotional Oscillators

This gets to the root of the issue -- emotions that haven't been fully processed and that continue to impact the health of the body. The body-field's Mind-Body screen is designed to show where these oscillators reside and how to address them at the level of the body-field with Infoceuticals and the miHealth device (biofeedback device, used in clinic with one of our practitioner or at home for clients who choose to invest in it).
Liberator is broadly designed to help loosen and release emotional oscillators, especially those due to more traumatic events. It is our generalist and assists overall to "liberate" us from emotional events of the past. (This Infoceutical is also available as a setting on the miHealth device.)
Brain Holograms are our specialists -- they are similar to Liberator, but they go deeper into more specific areas. We look into details here to see how a past emotional conflict may be impacting specific areas of the body, and can also look at miHealth device settings and Infoceuticals to help clear these.
ESR (Emotional Stress Release) is designed for day-to-day acute stress and/or anxiety, to help keep it at bay. It is the most commonly used Feel Good Infoceutical, as it has a general calming affect that can benefit so many areas of life.(This Infoceutical is also available as a setting on the miHealth device.)
Chill is designed to help address long-standing stress, especially due to worry (also repeating "tape loops"). It may help those who cannot fall asleep easily because they cannot shut off their thoughts, again especially due to worry. (This Infoceutical is also available as a setting on the miHealth device.)
Of course, there are many counseling techniques that also help to deal with unresolved emotions, especially those that work with the subconscious mind. And these techniques work beautifully alongside the use of Infoceuticals.
5. Heal the Heart Field

The heart plays such a central role in our overall health. It binds the primary fields of the overall body-field and is meant to be well-integrated with the brain. Healing the heart not only helps us in resolving emotional issues of the past, but also helps to better process future emotional events so that they don't store themselves as harmful oscillators.
To help lift a client's outlook on life and promote this type of healing, look to ED-6 Heart Driver and ED-2 Heart Imprinter Driver (both of which are Feel Good Infoceuticals) along with the EI-4 Heart Integrator.
It's easy, of course, for us to focus on what hurts physically. On what's not functioning as it's meant to. But resolving an issue, and keeping it from rearing up in other ways, means getting down to the roots.
Working with emotions is a keyway of doing this, and one of the profound things about Infoceuticals is the way they so often help one to shift emotionally.
This is so common that our practitioners have their clients pay attention to these shifts -- a sure way to know that therapy is working, and a sure way to help someone move forward at a very deep level that affects everything else!

Body-Field Scan
Ready to find out what's impacting your energy levels by using our bioenergetic scanning technology. Check out your body’s energy with a Body-Field scan and gain deeper insight into your holographic self with our certified Bioenergetic Practitioner. For an In-Clinic visit click here, or, for a Telehealth (remote) session click here.
We offer a completely new, alternative and bioenergetic health care approach based on 21st century science, technology and quantum physics with personalized, holistic therapy solutions such as, NES body-field scan & therapy, miHealth biofeedback, PEMF, Scalar Wave, Rife and Vibroacoustic (VAT) healing modalities that can restore optimal health and well-being throughout the body, mind and spirit in the most natural way. Let us help you restore your health and energy!