"Uninformed Consent explores how the media, government, and institutions' narrative is being used to strip us of our human rights. This film weaves the impact of mandates in with a deeply powerful story of one man's tragic loss. Uninformed Consent is an in-depth look into the Covid 19 narrative, who is controlling it, and how it is being used to inject an untested, new technology into almost every person on the planet." -Â by Matador Films
Legal Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the individuals in the documentary do not necessarily reflect those of Juneva Health.
Founder and visionary behind Juneva Health with a personal drive and passion to help clients around the world to better manage and restore optimal health throughout their body in the most natural and supportive way. He takes a personal approach to health care, getting to know clients and connecting on an emotional level to fully understand their individual health situation. Wolfgang strongly believes that people should be in charge of their own health and wants to bring this new 'information (bioenergetic) medicine' system to wider public awareness. He's a certified bioenergetic and homeopathic practitioner who graduated from the Los Angeles School of Homeopathy and holds an engineering and business degree.