How Bioenergetics Can Help Your Heart Health

How bioenergetics can help your heart health.

February is American Heart Month, a time when all people can focus on their cardiovascular health.

We want to celebrate American Heart Month in February and throughout the year and offer our bioenergetic point of view, inspiration and encouragement to bring more awareness about heart health into all communities.

According to the American Heart Association’s 2015 statistics, heart disease remains the leading global cause of death.

For the United States, this ranking reportedly has held since 1921. While actual death rates due to cardiovascular disease have been declining for many years, current estimates suggest that over 85 million people in the U.S. are living with some form of cardiovascular disease.

How bioenergetics can help your heart health.

Cardiovascular diseases are disorders of the heart and blood vessels; they often do not show any early symptoms.

Heart attacks and strokes, acute events mainly caused by blockages in the blood vessels that prevent blood from flowing to the heart or brain, may be the first warning signs of the underlying disease.


In the human body-field, distortions in the body’s energy and information fields typically precede the manifestation of physical symptoms associated with specific health conditions.


Findings from research conducted by NES Health and other leading-edge scientists concerning the bioenergetic aspects of the heart and heart health may offer a new set of non-invasive tools for further reducing cardiovascular mortality rates over the coming years.

The heart is vital to our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. It has many roles, functions, and attributes.


The Heart as a Physical Organ

As a physical organ, the heart is responsible for pumping blood and keeping us alive.

The heart is about the size of a human fist and has three layers (endocardium, myocardium, and pericardium), four chambers (two atria and two ventricles), and four one-way valves (tricuspid, mitral, pulmonary, and aortic).

The heart is also the body’s biggest electrical generator. It charges our cells and regulates our rhythms. The heart’s electrical activity can be recorded by an electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG).

Moreover, the electrical activity in the heart produces magnetic fields which can be measured by magnetocardiography (MCG). The heart’s electromagnetic field has been shown to extend several feet out around the body.

According to Rolin McCratey, PhD, Director of Research at the HeartMath Institute,


“Emotional information is actually coded and modulated into these fields. By learning to shift our emotions, we are changing the information coded into the magnetic fields that are radiated by the heart, and that can impact those around us. We are fundamentally and deeply connected with each other and the planet itself.”


The Heart as an Endocrine Gland

In 1981, research conducted by Canadian scientists Adolfo DeBold and Harold Sonnenberg discovered that the heart is also a hormone-producing endocrine gland.

One of the heart hormones is Atrial Natriuretic Peptide, or ANP. Its main functions include lowering blood pressure and controlling electrolyte homeostasis. ANP levels in the blood can be used to obtain information on various conditions affecting heart health.

Building on this initial finding, Dr. David Vesely, MD, PhD, has been researching the role of cardiac hormones in the treatment of cancer, obtaining very promising results in his lab experiments. As an example, he found that a group of certain cardiac hormones (including ANP) killed up to 97 percent of all cancer cells in vitro within 24 hours.

The Heart Brain

In 1991, Dr. J. Andrew Armour introduced the concept of a heart brain. His research had revealed a complex intrinsic nervous system in the heart that qualified as its own brain. The heart can learn, remember, feel, and sense.

Stories from heart-transplant recipients have provided numerous examples of receiving memories and affinities from the donor along with their new heart.

For over 25 years, the HeartMath Institute has been researching the role of the heart and documented their groundbreaking findings in Science of the Heart:


“We now have a much deeper scientific understanding of many of our original questions that explains how and why heart activity affects mental clarity, creativity, emotional balance, intuition and personal effectiveness. Our and others’ research indicates the heart is far more than a simple pump. The heart is, in fact, a highly complex information-processing center with its own functional brain, commonly called the heart brain, that communicates with and influences the cranial brain via the nervous system, hormonal system and other pathways. These influences affect brain function and most of the body’s major organs and play an important role in mental and emotional experience and the quality of our lives.”


Mind-Body Connections

The heart is also the center of love, compassion, and connection between our inside and outside worlds. It provides the bridge between body, mind, and spirit, and has been referred to as the seat of the soul.

The heart is associated with the heart chakra and the ability to connect with people from the heart in a balanced way. A frequently used attribute of the heart chakra is charisma; a bioenergetic balancing application that is available on the NES miHealth device.

Good, nurturing relationships help to strengthen the heart and support heart health. On the other hand, the energies of negative emotions, such as heart break, grief, and betrayal tend to adversely impact the heart and our health.

In The Emotion Code, Dr. Bradley Nelson, DC, explains the concept of the Heart Wall. He describes it as an energy wall that the subconscious mind builds around the heart to protect it from further emotional assault, in response to experiences of negative emotions that cannot be completely processed at the time.

Based on his research, Dr. Nelson estimates that about 93 percent of people have a heart wall; typical physical effects are chest, neck, and shoulder pain, while primary emotional indicators are numbness, depression, and relationship difficulties.



NES' research discovered that bioenergetically, the heart of the thoracic cavity is linked with the heart of the cranial cavity—the midbrain. NES' matching experiments showed that the heart has the same energy type as the midbrain. Subsequent research in the field of neurocardiology has substantiated these findings, showing that the heart and the brain contain the same type of neural cells.

How A Body-Field Scan Can Help

What can we learn about the bioenergetic aspects of heart health from a body-field scan? Priorities in energy and information fields related to the heart and its functions may provide early opportunities for correction and/or prevention of associated health concerns.

A Brief Review of Heart Anatomy

As shown in the simplified functional diagram above, the right atrium collects de-oxygenated blood from the heart muscle via the coronary sinus and from the upper and lower parts of the body via the superior and inferior vena cava, respectively. In the meantime, the left atrium collects oxygenated blood from the lungs.

Through rhythmic contractions, the heart pumps the blood from the atria through the tricuspid and mitral valves into the respective ventricles. From the right ventricle, the blood is propelled through the pulmonary valve via the pulmonary artery to the lungs, where it releases carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen for delivery to the left atrium via the pulmonary vein. From the left ventricle, the blood is forced through the aortic valve into the aorta, for circulation to the heart (via the coronary arteries) and throughout the body.

Heart rhythm is controlled by the sinoatrial (SA) node, the heart’s natural pacemaker, located in the upper part of the wall of the right atrium. The SA node generates electrical impulses that cause the heart muscle to contract.

The atrioventricular (AV) node is a relay station located in the floor of the right atrium, at the center of the heart, between the atria and the ventricles. It receives electrical signals from the SA node and regulates their transmission to the ventricles along the AV bundle.

Primary Heart-Related Energetic Drivers (ED)

The ED-2 Heart Imprinter Driver field correlates to the heart’s information-regulation and transfer roles. Bioenergetically, the heart imprints information into the bloodstream for rapid distribution throughout the body via blood circulation. ED-2 is the primary energizer for this process. It can be damaged by distortions in Energetic Terrain ET-4 Nerve Terrain field (involving the central and peripheral nervous systems, arteries, and blood).

The ED-5 Circulation Driver field deals with blood circulation at the bioenergetic level. It is connected to the inside of the heart organ and to its information-imprinting processes. The state of the ED-5 field reflects how well the arterial circulation system is taking blood to the heart for imprinting. It has a strong relationship to Energetic Star ES-13 COH Matrix Star (Carbon-Oxygen-Hydrogen Metabolism) field.

The ED-6 Heart Driver field is generated by the chemical and electrical activities of the heart and the process of blood oxygenation in the lungs. It links to the exterior structures of the heart and to cardiac function in general, as well as to the midbrain. The ED-6 field can be compromised by viral infections in the heart organ and tends to be weakened by the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccination.

Heart-Related Energetic Integrators (EI) and Fields

The illustrations (from body-field scan) and the table below show the primary heart-related Energetic Integrators (EIs) and their associated fields.


The EI-2 Heart & Lung Integrator compartment is primary for the heart. It also governs the energetic interplay between the heart and the lungs and helps to resolve functional disturbances between the right and left chambers of the heart.

While EI-3 Small Intestine & Mucous Membranes Integrator generally focuses on the back midline of the body, it also has a bioenergetic connection to the heart’s left ventricle.

EI-4 Heart & Neurotransmitter Integrator links the heart of the thoracic cavity with the heart of the cranial cavity, the midbrain. It transfers midbrain messages into every cell of the body by imprinting the Bundle of His (or AV bundle) in the physical heart. The midbrain also has a role in regulating blood pressure.

EI-8 Liver & Microbes Integrator links to all the Energetic Terrains and regulates fields that bioenergetically help the body deal with internal body waste and external environmental toxins. It correlates strongly to susceptible organs, including the myocardium. Cardiac problems may show up as energetic distortions here, as well as in EI-2.

EI-9 Thyroid & Triple Burner Integrator affects, among many other areas, the three major cavities—cranial, thoracic, and abdominal. It has widely distributed correlations to specific parts of the brain, heart, and the mucous membranes throughout the body.

And, EI-10 Circulation & Heart Protector Integrator compartment has a significant bioenergetic influence on major portions of the body’s circulatory system. Field distortions in EI-10 correlate to a variety of physical issues, including arteriosclerosis and varicose veins. EI-10 also affects the midbrain, which is linked to the heart through EI-4 and has a bioenergetic connection to the left atrium.


Find out what's going on with your heart health with a NES body-field scan and gain a holistic insight on where your heart may need support to restore better heart health.


[1] American Heart Association Statistical Report Tracks Global Figures for First Time:

[2] HeartMath Institute, Science of the Heart: Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance (eBook): Free Download available at

[3] Peter Fraser and Harry Massey's - Decoding the Human Body-Field: The New Science of Information as Medicine. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 2008. Get your copy in our online shop.

[4] Nelson, Bradley. The Emotion Code: How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health, Love and Happiness. Mesquite, NV: Wellness Unmasked Publishing, 2007.

[5] HeartMath Videos: Science of the Heart Electromagnetic Field:

[6] The Heart's Intuitive Intelligence: A Path to Personal, Social and Global Coherence:


Body-Field Scan

Ready to find out what's impacting your energy levels by using our bioenergetic scanning technology. Check out your body’s energy with a Body-Field scan, and gain deeper insight into your holographic self with our certified Bioenergetic Practitioner. For an In-Clinic visit click here, or, for a Telehealth (remote) session click here.

We offer a completely new, alternative and bioenergetic health care approach based on 21st century science, technology and quantum physics with personalized, holistic therapy solutions such as, NES body-field scan & therapy, miHealth biofeedback, PEMF, Rife and Vibroacoustic (VAT) healing modalities that can restore optimal health and well-being throughout the body, mind and spirit in the most natural way. Let us help you restore your health and energy!



  • Wolfgang Scheinhart

    Founder and visionary behind Juneva Health with a personal drive and passion to help clients around the world to better manage and restore optimal health throughout their body in the most natural and supportive way. He takes a personal approach to health care, getting to know clients and connecting on an emotional level to fully understand their individual health situation. Wolfgang strongly believes that people should be in charge of their own health and wants to bring this new 'information (bioenergetic) medicine' system to wider public awareness. He's a certified bioenergetic and homeopathic practitioner who graduated from the Los Angeles School of Homeopathy and holds an engineering and business degree.

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