More Research on Vaccines “Definitely Needs to Be Done” Says U.S. Congressman

More research on vaccines definitely needs to be done says U.S. congressman.


Physician Mark Green of Clarksville, Tennessee was elected last month to the U.S. House of Representatives. He is scheduled to be sworn into his new post on Jan. 3, 2019.[1][2]

In the last few weeks, the newly elected congressman was inducted into the brass knuckle world of political correctness when he dared to step out of line and publicly voice his concern about the safety of vaccines.

Rep.-elect Green, 54, graduated from Wright State University School of Medicine in Dayton, Ohio and did his residency in emergency medicine at Fort Hood, Texas. He served as a special operations flight surgeon in both Afghanistan and Iraq. For his military service, Green was awarded the “Bronze Star, the Meritorious Service Medical with two oak leaf clusters, the Army Commendation Medal with two oak leaf clusters, the Achieveement Medal with three oak leaf clusters, the Air Medal with the V Device for valor under heavy enemy fire while rescuing British Special Operations forces wounded near Fallujah, Iraq and the Combat Medical Badge,” as well as other awards.[2][3]

After his military service, Dr. Green founded an emergency room management company called Align MD, which he later sold to American Physician Partners, LLC. He also founded the Two Rivers Medical Foundation, “which operates two free medical clinics, and serves on the board of two nonprofit organizations that care for soldiers and their families as they return from war.”[2][3]

In 2016, Green was honored as a “Health Care Hero” by the Nashville Business Journal for his “business leadership with Align MD, a health care staffing company, and his consistent work in the General Assembly to address health care innovation in insurance, delivery of care and access.”[4]

At a town meeting with constituents on Dec. 11, 2018, Green added another notable feat to his list of impressive accomplishments: He dared to veer from vaccine orthodoxy by questioning the accuracy vaccine safety data put out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and suggesting that there may be a link between vaccines and autism.

In response to a question about cuts in Medicaid funding by a mother of a young adult with autism, Dr. Green said:

Let me say this about autism. I have committed to people in my community, up in Montgomery County, to stand on the CDC’s desk and get the real data on vaccines. Because there is some concern that the rise in autism is the result of the preservatives that are in our vaccines. As a physician, I can make that argument and I can look at it academically and make the argument against the CDC, if they really want to engage me on it. But it appears some of that data has been, honestly, may be fraudulently managed. So we’ve got to go up there and stand against that and make sure we get that fixed, that issue addressed.[5][6]

It appears that Rep. Green may be positioning himself to join Rep. Bill Posey of Florida’s 8th congressional district and Dan Burton, former Representative for Indiana’s 5th congressional district, as a strong advocate for greater transparency with regard to vaccine safety research.

Green added:

It has been suggested on the floor of the House that the CDC may have not been transparent with data. Parents should vaccinate their children, but more research definitely needs to be done.[5][6]

Green’s reference to suggestions made on the floor of the House of Representatives appear to be related to the prepared remarks delivered by Congressman Posey in 2015 alleging that the CDC may have tampered with data involving an important study on health outcomes following administration of MMR (mumps, measles, rubella) vaccine to children.[7][8]

Inevitably, Green is also setting himself up for lots of nasty criticism, particularly from the corporate influenced mainstream media. Already, the predictable headlines have begun to surface. Here’s one from Esquire: “American Politics Is Full of Medical Doctors With Insane Ideas”. Here’s another one from Patheos: “New GOP Congressman Mark Green Rejects Science, Claims Vaccines May Cause Autism”.[9][10]

Then there is the headline on the website of astroturfer American Council on Science and Health that reads: “Anti-Vaxxers Like Congressman-Elect Mark Green Shouldn’t Be In Government”.[11][12]

So you have to fall in line 100 percent on vaccines or else you’re disqualified from public service? What other jobs or professions should one be blackballed from, and who shall serve as the Grand Inquisitor?

The knives are out and they’re being sharpened.


[1] Associated Press. Mark Green wins Tennessee’s 7th Congressional District seatThe Washington Post Dec. 14, 2018.

[2] Neysa Alund N. Who is Rep. Mark Green? Doctor, Army veteran, Tennessee Republican who raised vaccine-autism linkNashville Tennessean Dec. 13, 2018.

[3] Mark E. Green. Wikipedia.

[4] Senator Mark Green honored as “Health Care Hero” by Nashville Business JournalThe Leaf-Chronicle May 16, 2016.

[5] Schallhorn K. Tennessee Rep.-elect Mark Green questions CDC data on vaccines, autismFox News Dec. 13, 2018.

[6] Allison N. Tennessee U.S. Rep.-elect Mark Green alleges vaccines may cause autism, questions CDC dataNashville Tennessean Dec. 13, 2018.

[7] Congressman Wants CDC Investigated for Tampering With MMR StudyThe Vaccine ReactionAug. 1, 2015.

[8] YouTube. CDC Whistleblower William Thompson Discloses Deception | Congressman Bill PoseyThe Vaccine Reaction July 30, 2018.

[9] Pierce CP. American Politics Is Full of Medical Doctors With Insane IdeasEsquire Dec. 12, 2018.

[10] Stone M. New GOP Congressman Mark Green Rejects Science, Claims Vaccines May Cause AutismPatheos Dec. 13, 2018.

[11] Berezow A. Anti-Vaxxers Like Congressman-Elect Mark Green Shouldn’t Be In Government. American Council on Science and Health Dec. 16, 2018.

[12] Ruskin G. The American Council on Science and Health Is a Corporate Front Group. U.S. Right to Know Aug. 12, 2018.


  • Wolfgang Scheinhart

    Founder and visionary behind Juneva Health with a personal drive and passion to help clients around the world to better manage and restore optimal health throughout their body in the most natural and supportive way. He takes a personal approach to health care, getting to know clients and connecting on an emotional level to fully understand their individual health situation. Wolfgang strongly believes that people should be in charge of their own health and wants to bring this new 'information (bioenergetic) medicine' system to wider public awareness. He's a certified bioenergetic and homeopathic practitioner who graduated from the Los Angeles School of Homeopathy and holds an engineering and business degree.

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