The Healing Effect of Sound

The healing effect of sound - healing with sound and vibrations define vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) and assists with relief from anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD, autism and learning difficulties, dementia, stress, pain, insomnia, and more.

All matter vibrates and the human body is no different. We seem so comforted by vibration and sound perhaps because our first experiences within the womb were known and felt as vibration (e.g. our mother’s heartbeat and voice).

Fact is that our body is over 70% water and because sound travels 5 times more efficiently through water than through air, therefore applying sound frequency stimulation directly into the body is a highly effective means for total body stimulation at a deep cellular level.

A New Found Appreciation of the Healing Properties of Vibro-Tactile Input

The earliest known use of a vibro-tactile method for healing comes from the Aboriginal people of Australia, who have used the didgeridoo, a wind instrument made from hollowed limbs from eucalyptus trees, for at least 40,000 years. While many indigenous shamans around the world continue to use vibro-tactile methods for healing and balancing disease in the body, we lost sight of the powerful benefits of vibro-tactile healing. It has taken great thinkers and scientists millennia to return to this lost knowledge.

The use of sound made its way into “modern” medicine in 1928 when German scientist Erwin Schliephake discovered that short sound waves accelerated healing in cancer patients. In 1938 another German scientist named Raimar Pohlman went on to demonstrate the therapeutic properties of ultrasound. Olav Skille and Tony Wigram have been driving forces behind our current understanding of Vibroacoustic Therapy as a research-based healing technique. Skille began his work and research in 1968 by developing equipment and music software to deliver vibro-tactile input to young people with Rett Syndrome in Scandinavia. He discovered Vibroacoustic Therapy to be beneficial for such conditions as asthma, autism, cystic fibrosis, cerebral palsy, insomnia, pain and Parkinson’s disease. He described the three main areas of effect from Vibroacoustic Therapy as being:

  1. Spasmolytic and muscle-relaxing effect
  2. Increase in blood flow to the extremities
  3. Marked but varying effects to the vegetative state

In England, Wigram began his own research in the 1990s, using some of Skille’s techniques to help adults with cognitive disabilities and behavioral challenges. He used the techniques with individuals with self-abusive behaviors and anxiety. The passion and dedicated research from both of these men has been invaluable to our understanding of sound and vibration as a healing modality.

In 1999, the National Institute of Health published research into the use of Vibroacoustic Therapy for addressing pain and symptoms that often accompany pain such as anxiety and depression. Although the results of the study were published in 1999, the study itself has been ongoing and continues to show similar positive results. There are presently a number of forward thinking hospitals in the United States that use Vibroacoustic Therapy as an adjunct to conventional treatments such as surgery and chemotherapy.

How Does Vibroacoustic Therapy Work

Vibroacoustic Therapy uses low frequencies and therapeutic music delivered through special speakers called transducers. The transducers can be embedded within some sort of furniture such as portable mats, mattresses, and massage tables, custom tables with water bladders, beds and recliners. As a person’s body has contact with the embedded speakers, the music is sent from the source into the transducers and then is felt by the body as vibration and heard by the ears as sound. The vibro-tactile input stimulates nerve bundles along the spine, up into the brain stem and then through the limbic system. In addition, the sound stimulates the medulla in the brain stem and activates the auditory nerve that connects with all the muscles of the body. These reactions signal the body to relax and flood the brain with mood lifting chemicals. In addition, the low frequencies also cause a relaxation of the tissues, and a dilation of blood vessels and an opening of the lymphatic pathways which in turn increases the body’s ability to heal.

Health Benefits of Vibroacoustic Therapy

  1. The Limbic System is signaled to return to a calm state, and over time helps the body to become better at self-regulation and more resilient to stressors.
  2. The Relaxation Response is activated, which creates a cascade of positive physical and emotional health benefits.
  3. The heart rate slows and heart rate variability (HRV) improves, which is an indicator of stress resilience.
  4. Blood pressure lowers, which reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.
  5. Muscles relax, which in turn can reduce pain from tension and spasms.
  6. Pain lessens through a combination of increased relaxation and an increase of “happy” hormones.
  7. Circulation increases, which nourishes the cells and organs.

When people are seeking healthy alternatives for combating stress, pain, and illness, we should reconsider the Ancient wisdom of vibro-tactile input. Today modern technology makes it possible for this healing modality to be put into practice and therefore we here at Juneva want to make it available to a wider population.

You Can Now Experience the Calming Effect of Vibroacoustic Therapy

Meet the newest addition to our clinic, the amazing RestStation™ lounge, an integrated audio/visual vibroacoustic platform that employs cutting edge technology and the latest research in holistic therapy methods. It utilizes precisely choreographed music that is synchronized with low frequency sine tones and binaural beats to produce sound, frequency and vibration stimulation that are applied directly to the body at a deep cellular level.

RestStation's major benefit is the calming effect the system has on clients and thereby assisting them with the relief from anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD, autism and learning difficulties [1], dementia, stress, pain, insomnia, and more. The client is brought into a meditative state, which usually takes about 15 minutes, and the binaural beats and healing frequencies trigger the body’s natural relaxation response.

Once the client reaches the Theta Meditative State, they are guided through powerful meditation and positive affirmations. The guided selections on the RestStation are designed to address the guilt, fear, shame and trauma associated as underlying issues for most dealing with PTSD and emotional/physical traumas. These meditations create a completely relaxed state of mind before powerful and positive affirmations are delivered utilizing a unique echo effect. It's this unique combination that helps clients overcome deep rooted, negative patterns of thoughts and behavior.

The use of RestStation, and vibroacoustic therapy, augments our bioenergetic therapy and we will be integrating it as part of our Total Wellness Plans, so your therapy appointment will become an enriched holistic experience. Of course, you can always book individual RestStation sessions at any time to support you on your healing journey, or just to feel good.

If you are ready for true healing and regaining your coherence book your RestStation or Total Wellness Session appointment today!


  • Wolfgang Scheinhart

    Founder and visionary behind Juneva Health with a personal drive and passion to help clients around the world to better manage and restore optimal health throughout their body in the most natural and supportive way. He takes a personal approach to health care, getting to know clients and connecting on an emotional level to fully understand their individual health situation. Wolfgang strongly believes that people should be in charge of their own health and wants to bring this new 'information (bioenergetic) medicine' system to wider public awareness. He's a certified bioenergetic and homeopathic practitioner who graduated from the Los Angeles School of Homeopathy and holds an engineering and business degree.

2 thoughts on “The Healing Effect of Sound

  1. Claudio says:

    Hello. Thanks for sharing this information. I would like to know which is the diference between this technique and Rife frequencies. Are the sounds from vibroacustic therapy based on Rife frequencies? I ask you because I didn’t see you have mencioned Rife work .
    Kind regards,
    Claudio, Chile.

    • Wolfgang Scheinhart says:

      Great question, Claudio. What we use for our Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT) are Rife Frequencies and Trilateral Balanced Sine Wave (TBSW) Frequencies, as well as music programs that have Rife Frequencies incorporated. The sounds (frequencies) and music in these 150+ programs are based on ancient and modern science from the field of Sound Healing and Therapy, and from information and research at the Sound and Consciousness Institute in San Francisco. Special attention has been paid to the creation of each of the sounds (frequencies) used in each program. The sounds (frequencies) are as powerful as the music itself.

      The pure Rife and TBSW programs use very specific frequency compilations that address very specific health issues, while most of the other music programs are more generic in its nature but never the less powerful aids in the healing process.

      Additional Rife/TBSW programs are being added all the time as we generate the programs based on the needs of our clients and then make them available to our Total Wellness Plan member community. We can generate Rife and Clark frequency sets for 1,500+ diagnosed health issues and in any combination.

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