Five Ways To Address Emotional Health

Five ways to address emotional health.

When dealing with the bioenergetic correlates of disease, the first process is to address the emotional "oscillators", which can be thought of as information "flows" that can eventually affect four key organelles of the cell.

An emotion is also an energetic structure that forms a standing wave. It can come into conflict with another emotion’s standing wave, and the resulting energetic disruption can affect cells.

There are both bioenergetic and physical ways to address such problems. Here are 5 ways to approach emotional health:

1. Use Energetic Driver (ED)-14 (Spleen-Omentum Driver) Infoceutical

This driver field is an important one because it is linked to our long-term memories and thereby to emotional oscillators. Long-term memories that are charged with emotions can become overly dynamic and oscillate, turning into obsessions, and contributing detrimentally to behavior.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen is associated with emotional memory, and one sign of distortion in this field may be a craving for sweet foods. The dietary corrective is to introduce salty foods, especially in highly mineralized form, like barley grass. In some circles of traditional Chinese medicine, beetroot juice also is said to help the spleen field.

However, the concept of “spleen” in our more modern view includes the part of the pancreas that makes enzymes, so when the pancreas field is damaged by emotional oscillators (and this happens a great deal) then it is useful to help digestion by taking digestive enzymes. Alkalization is considered by many to assist the body when it is very, very ill, so barley grass may help here, as will fresh green vegetable juices.

2. Understand How Stress Is Linked To Malabsorption

NES research in 2007 found that stress (as represented by emotional oscillators) may impede the absorption of key nutrients needed by the brain to manufacture enzymes, hormones, and neurotransmitters. Other researchers who were looking at vitamin B17 found that zinc plays a role in its absorption, so an easily absorbed form of zinc is recommended as well as sources of B17 (see below).

However, some research suggests that vitamin B17 itself may be poorly absorbed in people experiencing high stress. Most people also recommend vitamin C in one form or another for stress, but NES could find no bioenergetic link in their matching testing for vitamin C, or for selenium and vitamins A and E.

Of course, antioxidants are useful to the body, but only in the last recovery stage of regaining health. In the earlier stages, it is a good idea to try to keep things simple!

Good sources of vitamin B17:

Sesame seeds
Figs: fresh and dried
Lentils: all types
Poppy seeds
Macadamia nuts
Brazil nuts
Fresh berry juice
Grape seed oil
Pine nuts
Sesame oil
Baked beans

3. Raise Energy

Emotional oscillators deplete energy, and we each may have twenty or thirty of them at once! Thus, we will need to increase or improve our energy input.

You may have been told that sugar/fat is an energy food. Yes, five percent of the body’s energy is from this source. But we also get energy from oxygen. And we know that heavy metals impede oxygen absorption. When dealing even bioenergetically with heavy metal detoxification, we must not move too quickly but rather go slow! The process can take months, and good nutritional supplementation includes increasing sources of vitamin C, spirulina, and all antioxidants.

Of course, according to NES theory, our main source of energy is source energy. So, getting out in the fresh air, walking, and breathing deeply will not only alleviate stress but will also increase Source energy. We can also aid this by using the Energetic Driver (ED)-1 (Source Driver) Infoceutical. And often adding ED-3 Cell Driver Infoceutical as part of the therapy can be beneficial. Big Field Aligner (BFA) Infoceutical is also important to keeping the body-field’s energy alignment and use of energy in good shape.

4. Minimize Geopathic Stress

Your location and environment, of course, can make you sick. So, it is important to look at possible sources of geopathic stress - they can aggravate emotional oscillations.

Infoceuticals that can help include ED-3 Cell Driver and Energetic Integrator (EI)-8 (Liver & Microbes Meridian), if so indicated by the body-field scan. Of course, whenever you travel, you should use Polarity or BFA Infoceutical.

5. Heal The Heart Field

One of the most important aspects of addressing emotional oscillators is correcting integration issues with the heart field. It’s a mistake to think that your consciousness lives in the brain only, the heart and brain are intimately connected bioenergetically and, as recent research shows, even physically. (See the HeartMath Institutes’ work as a starting point for the heart-brain link.)

We often see with clients that tend to be depressive or negative, that there is a heart field issue. In this case it is the ED-2 Infoceutical that will help with the client’s recovery, because heart integration comes later in the stages of healing, but often can bioenergetically stimulate the healing process as well.


  • Wolfgang Scheinhart

    Founder and visionary behind Juneva Health with a personal drive and passion to help clients around the world to better manage and restore optimal health throughout their body in the most natural and supportive way. He takes a personal approach to health care, getting to know clients and connecting on an emotional level to fully understand their individual health situation. Wolfgang strongly believes that people should be in charge of their own health and wants to bring this new 'information (bioenergetic) medicine' system to wider public awareness. He's a certified bioenergetic and homeopathic practitioner who graduated from the Los Angeles School of Homeopathy and holds an engineering and business degree.

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